The Walmart Canada coupon portal has a brand new coupon this morning! Head over by clicking the link below, and you will discover this new coupon for free Old El Paso Tortilla Bowls with the purchase of any Old El Paso Dinner Kit 227g-510g.
I usually only purchase the dinner kits when there is a really great deal on them, and this would be one of those instances. You may also have a PC Plus offer for 1000 PC Plus points for every $3 you spend on the dinner kits and tortilla bowls so this is the perfect time for this coupon! This is a printable coupon only and you can print one per account. Take the coupon to a Loblaws banner store and rack up the PC Plus points with your loadable offer!
just a heads up, the max value on the coupon is 2.97$. whereas my loblaws sells them for 3.29$ (the kits and the bowls are cheaper at walmart) also this coupon is only valid august 18-24th i believe . 🙂