Walmart Canada Coupons: Save $2 On c. Booth Bath & Body Care Products


Here is a brand new coupon available through the Walmart Canada coupon portal today. Save $2 on the purchase of any c. Booth bath and body care product with this coupon that is mail to home only.

I have actually tried a couple of these products and I absolutely love them. They all smell fantastic and are certainly premium products. The Lemon Sugar 4 in 1 Multi Action Lotion is my favorite of all the products that I have tried and I would definitely repurchase it. I believe the regular retail price was somewhere around the $8 price point for the lotion, but, if you have a good look at some of the products you may actually get to try one for free, as there are mail in rebate stickers attached to some of the bottles.

I know for certain that these products are sold at Walmart, but thus far I have not seen them anywhere else. If you have spotted these products at other stores, please let us know in the comments!

Click here to order your coupon for $2 off the purchase of any c. Booth Bath & Body product through the Walmart Canada coupon portal.

3 responses to “Walmart Canada Coupons: Save $2 On c. Booth Bath & Body Care Products”

  1. ZIAFRANCA says:

    Hi. Just checked the Walmart coupon portal.
    No c. Booth coupon.
    Anyone else have any luck?

  2. ZIAFRANCA says:

    Hi. I just checked out the Walmart coupon portal for the
    c. Booth $2 coupon. No luck. Anyone have any luck?

  3. ZIAFRANCA says:

    Please ignore previous post.
    Found the $2 c. Booth coupons.


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