The Walmart Canada coupon portal has a new coupon for you today that can be ordered by clicking the link below. Save $1 on the purchase of any Natrel milk in the 2L or 4L format.
I’m sure many of you purchase milk from Shoppers Drug Mart for the huge amount of Optimum points that are always available on milk, but those of you who purchase Natrel elsewhere will certainly be very excited about this coupon. It is a mail to home coupon, so be sure to order it while it is still available, as occasionally the mail to mail coupons turn into print only coupons. I always prefer the mail to home version and I know I’m not alone there.
You must be registered to order coupon through the Walmart Canada coupon portal, and even though you may have shopped online there, you will still need a separate account just for ordering coupons.
Click here to order your Natrel coupon through the Walmart Canada coupon portal.
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