Walmart Canada Coupons: Save $3 On Carnation Breakfast Essentials


A new coupon is now available through the Walmart Canada coupon and this is actually the return of a coupon that was available last year as well. Save $3 on the purchase of Carnation Breakfast Essentials with this new coupon.

This is a mail to home coupon, which is great for those of you without printers, and there is no need to worry about whether or not you should print the coupon, and if are you actually going to use it. Sign in to your Walmart Canada coupon portal account, with your unique log in, different from your account for ordering merchandise at, and you can order the coupon and receive it in about one week’s time.

The Carnation Breakfast Essentials powder is $6.97 at Walmart regular price, so this is a high value coupon that you will want to order if you use this product.

Click here to get your coupon for $3 off the purchase of Carnation Breakfast Essentials through the Walmart Canada coupon portal.

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