Walmart Canada Coupons: Save $3 On Huggies Diapers Jumbo Packs Or Larger


Here is a fabulous new coupon available through the Walmart Canada coupon portal! Buy one package of Huggies Diapers and save $3 on your purchase. You must purchase a jumbo pack or larger, the jumbo pack being the smallest bag of diapers that you can sometimes find on sale for about $10, so really it is valid on any size.

What is so great about this coupon is that there is rarely a coupon valid on ANY type of Huggies diapers. They are usually product specific, and are either for Little Movers, or Little Snugglers, etc., and $3 is certainly a decent amount of savings.

This coupon is also mail to home, which we love, and there is not even the option to print. Hopefully you can wait approximately a week to receive it the mail.

Click here to get your coupon for $3 off the purchase of Huggies diapers through the Walmart Canada coupon portal.

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