Walmart Canada: Little Tikes Turtle Sand Box $5-$25 At Select Locations

Canadian Deals & Coupons

Walmart Canada is offering the Little Tikes Turtle Sand Box for $5-$25 at most locations across Canada.  Click here to determine the price at your local Walmart.  They are currently not selling this product online.  If your local store is selling them for $25 and there appears to be a number of them left, wait a little while until they lower the price.  However, if you are lucky and they are selling for $5-$10, pick one up right away!  You will never find them cheaper than that – even second hand.

4 responses to “Walmart Canada: Little Tikes Turtle Sand Box $5-$25 At Select Locations”

  1. hogama says:

    My little man LOVED this up until last year. This year, he was too big and needed a sand pile!! haha. All little boys, and I’m sure girls, LOVE playing in sand. Great price!

  2. Melanie says:

    WOW I hope my Walmarts have them in stock!

  3. dealsniffer says:

    lol I checked both walmarts in my city and one has them for 15 and the other has them for 25. lol yeah guess which one I will go to first?

  4. Joanna says:

    In Calgary they are still for $15-25 …have to wait….


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