Walmart Canada: Reduced Bags of Produce For $1


During my trip to Walmart today, I came across something new that made me like Walmart just a little bit more, or perhaps a lot more. In the produce section, I stumbled upon this rack of assorted bags of produce, being cleared out for just $1 per bag!

The best part about this was that aside from a few overly ripe avocados, everything inside the bags was in really terrific shape. Each bag weighed several pounds and was either a mixture of fruits or vegetables. Since I needed three bananas anyhow, I grabbed the bagged on the bottom left, containing a few bananas, several lemons, and quite a few oranges. It was a fairly heavy bag of fruit, for just $1! Definitely have a look for clearance produce the next time you are in the store as these “grab bags” are an amazing deal, and from what I saw today, the quality was far superior to what most stores put on the reduced rack in terms of produce. I really hope this continues!

Click here to find the Walmart Canada location nearest you.

4 responses to “Walmart Canada: Reduced Bags of Produce For $1”

  1. Jill says:

    I got 18 containers of strawberries a few weeks ago $6 (they were bagged up in 3s and I got 6 bags). Excellent deal! I just cut them up and froze them as we eat a lot of smoothies.

  2. Anna says:

    I bought a bunch of pineapple like this at my walmart – two for a dollar – cut up one and dehydrated the rest!

  3. Natalka says:

    Lucky you, how wonderful!

  4. Marie says:

    I got 2 giant bags of cherries for 1$ each and they were in great condition. I also got a huge bag of mini sweet peppers for 1$. I definitely enjoy this new clearance for produce.


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