Walmart: Free Wholly Guacamole/Salsa With Printable Coupon


Walmart has Wholly Guacamole & Salsa on sale starting Friday for just $1 and there is a $1 printable coupon available for any Wholly Guacamole or Wholly Salsa product.

Click here to get your coupon.

Note the coupon advertised on the salsa page is US only, use the link above for the Canadian coupon

4 responses to “Walmart: Free Wholly Guacamole/Salsa With Printable Coupon”

  1. wendyjane says:


  2. nicole says:

    i literally had a craving for guac and chips a few days ago and caved in to the $3.99 (or something like that) wholly guac at safeway! i will def make a trip to walmart to stock up!

  3. vicki says:

    coupon is gone?

  4. Ruth-Ann says:

    Boy, that didn’t last long. I couldn’t download the coupon printer at work, but by the time I got home, the coupon had vanished. 🙁


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