Pateyface on our forum came across this great offer. Select toddler (smaller then twin size) bedding sets are only for only $15 regular retail of $50. There are lots of styles to choose from. Also on sale is a toddler 3 bin toy bench for only $15.
The only downfall is the shipping costs. It is only a good deal if your going to order a few sets. Offer is only available online, not instore.
Click here to browse the sale.
i was going to order 3 toy benches (birthday presents) but shipping was going to be $65. I will take a look at my local walmart to see if they have them.
I got the bedding set yesterday at Walmart (in store), they only had a few and were marked with clearance stickers with the crib bedding.
I just bought the Toy Story toddler bed online for 59.97 including taxes and shipping. Thanks so much for posting!
I was at walmart yesterday and they had the Cars bedding set that they have posted online saying online only. It was $29.99 which is like a couple of dollars cheaper than online with shipping. Too bad their shipping cost is so high.
In Sherwood park Alberta they had the toddler sets on for $15. Princess, Dora, cars, one other. All their crib mattress bedding was on sale
hmm I just wanted to check how much the shipping was and its not to bad
Just ordered 2 sets. Great price and shipping was reasonable.
Thanks for the info Sally
Wal-marts have them on clearance in store as well. Check yours first before ordering on-line. It might be cheaper.
I picked up the Cars & Hot Wheels 4 pcs crib sheet set @ WM a week ago on friday @ Lougheed Mall in Burnaby for $15. and there were a few left on the shelves. Other sheets were on sale/clearance as well incl the crib sheets with comforter & bumper pads – I remeber one with sailboats on it & another one was Winnie the Pooh. At Zellers the Cars sheet set was $89.99 & I ended up using the 50% off coupon during the Facebook fiasco last mth & returned it when I bought another set at Walmart. I really like the partially fitted top sheet that helps keeps DS in bed when he’s rolling around. On a side note, I bought him the Cars toddler bed over a year ago & finally had DH put it together for him & he loves the big toddler bed but he sometimes likes to climb over the side rail & it doesn’t seem that sturdy, so if you have a strong kid – watchout. I’ve got the coloured foam jigsaw squares under and around his bed, so it would give him the extra protection if he ended up breaking the siderails.
yeah!! i ordered 3 sets, for 74$, tax and shipping included!! thanks so much!
Picked up 2 cars toddler bed sets for 15.00 each at Walmart today. The regular price was 25.00 not 50.00 as priced online.
has anyone seen the cars bedding and toy box at any walmarts in kitchener or cambridge or st.jacobs?? I couldnt find them in Guelph 🙁 and I cant find the bedding online now 🙁 🙁
I bought both my cars bedding sets at Walmart in Cambridge. The shelves were empty, but then I noticed there were 2 sets sitting in a deserted shopping cart in the baby section, so I grabbed them.
You are lucky cheapomaghee! I went there today and didnt see any. Oh well, thats what I get for waiting.
I just read the labels and the whole set is made from 100% polyester. My son has eczema and he breaks out in the face when he rubs against polyester, so I will be returning the 2 cars bed sets to Walmart.
Is there any way you can keep one and I will come to you to buy it?? Please email me at [email protected]
I got the Dora and hot wheels sets today for$15 each. One set had a tag on it that said $50.
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