Websaver.ca Canada News: No Longer Offering Mail Coupons, Soon to Launch VIP Mail to Home Club


This morning we made an awful discovery while browsing through the Websaver.ca website, and that was that one of Canada’s favourite online retailers for distributing mail-out coupons will no longer be offering mail-out coupons to your home. Sad and shocking, I know, but it is the truth. At least that’s what the situation will be for the next little while, as Websaver.ca is advertising that they will be bringing back mail-out coupons in a new format starting this April.

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The mail-out coupons, as far as we can understand from the limited information that is being provided by Websaver.ca, will be part of the new VIP Mail to Home Club. Until then, however, you will have to instead print out your coupons on the site.

We’ll reveal more of the details pertaining to this VIP Mail to Home Club as they are made public by Websaver.ca, but until then you will have to wait patiently and utilize their print at home option for your coupons.

Click here to check out the coupons available at Websaver.ca.

5 responses to “Websaver.ca Canada News: No Longer Offering Mail Coupons, Soon to Launch VIP Mail to Home Club”

  1. Tommycoupons says:

    huh?? VIP??? What are they going to start charging money to mail coupons??? I guess wait and see 🙁

  2. blueeyednat says:

    I have not printed any coupons from this site since 2013. The printing software uses Java which is extremely vulnerable to malicious software. See link: http://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/rsrcs/cybr-ctr/2013/al13-001-eng.aspx .I contacted Websaver about this issue but never received a response. So unless I can get free coupons mailed to my home, I guess I’ll stop using Websaver as a source of coupons.

  3. HappyCouponSaver78 says:

    Uh oh!

  4. nisiepie says:

    Is this a double post? Someone else already blogged this earlier, maybe you missed it?

  5. shelby says:

    Damnit, I don’t own a printer!


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