WebSaver Canada has a new coupon available for Angie’s Boomchikapop. Save $2 on the purchase of Angie’s Boomchikapop 125-198g with the coupon you will find through the link at the bottom of the post. This is a printable coupon only, and sadly there is no option to have it mailed or loaded to your WebSaver account.
Angie’s Boomchikapop is $4.97 at Walmart this week, making it $2.97 with the coupon. It is also advertised at Metro where it is $4.99, and at Healthy Planet where it is 2/$7. If Healthy Planet will accept the coupon you can get it there for just $1.50 a bag.
Click here to get your coupon for $2 off the purchase of Angie’s Boomchikapop through WebSaver.ca.