Websaver.Ca: Free Glade Expressions Fragrance Mist While Supplies Last *Hurry!*


CLICK HERE to order your free Glade Expressions coupon from Websaver.ca. Hurry, these will run out fast!

Has anyone tried these yet? I smelled some in-store and they smelled wonderful.

This freebie is available again for order

52 responses to “Websaver.Ca: Free Glade Expressions Fragrance Mist While Supplies Last *Hurry!*”

  1. Liz says:

    Got it! Thanks so much!

  2. neil says:

    Got mine yay =)

  3. wilderlady says:

    thanks so much! what lucky timing 🙂

  4. Sally says:

    had to try a few times, kept getting errors then it worked ok 🙂

  5. Liz says:


  6. DM says:

    thanks got mine

  7. twinzzz says:

    Thanks so much. Got mine!

  8. jakyak says:

    wonderful! thank you!

  9. Lori says:

    It says: “Try the new
    Glade Expressions™ Fragrance Mist Holder FREE”

    So it’s the holder, not the spray that’s free?

  10. Brew says:

    Smelt is a fish.

  11. janice says:

    thank you

  12. sweet smells says:

    got one, tx! i usually miss out on these.

  13. Caitie says:

    Got it! Thanks so much! :):)

  14. Fiona says:

    Thanks! Got one!!

  15. couponmom says:

    My message said the freebie was not avaialable in Ontario (boo

  16. marine says:

    Thanks,I got mine!

  17. Esther says:

    got mine aswell thanks for coupon.

  18. crafter says:

    Thanks got one too! 🙂

  19. carlyincanada says:

    Got mine at 935pm et! Thanks! 🙂

  20. 2jk19 says:

    SO glad I didn’t miss out! I LOVE these! Can’t wait to try their new product!

  21. Me says:

    couponmom, are you sure? I live in Ontario & I got one without any problems

    maybe the other coupons you selected weren’t available in Ontario?

  22. DM says:

    It is only the holder . That is bull now we have to buy the refill .

  23. coley3 says:

    Just ordered one thanks.

  24. R says:

    Its for the whole thing – holder plus canister since its a 4.99 value. The refill cost less. If u check on their website and but online, you can see the prices simular ot retail for the set.

  25. honeybee. says:

    just ordered one. Thanks!

  26. Natalka says:

    Still was able to get one this morning. Thanks.

  27. Dayanara says:

    Awesome thanks!

  28. Sandra says:

    RIP OFF, NOT ABLE TO CLICK ON A N Y COUPONS. never mind the free sample.

  29. Caitie says:

    Maybe they’re all gone Sandra, they seemed to work for everyone else. Did you try refreshing the page?

  30. itsjustmebub says:

    got mine thanks to a lovely lady who let me know about the deal

  31. Fei says:

    Thanks – worked for me (in Ontario)

  32. Terrie says:

    Frustrating site – tells mne I must choose 3 coupons, but 2 of the 4 are not offered in my province??

  33. Jessica says:


    For those that don’t have three options on the main page.

  34. Mandy says:

    Worked for me too! (From Ontario) The tricky thing with websaver is you should only click the coupons you really want, because when companies use websaver for their coupons you usually need to order 2 more along with the 1 you wanted. I always leave coupons unclicked on websaver so when something like this comes up I have coupons leftover to add to my order so I can get the one I wanted. Usually the coupons i dont want other co-workers do so i give it to them after.

  35. Super Mel says:

    Terrie, click on the “Site Map” at the bottom of the page to take you to the different coupon portals… you’ll be able to select from a more variety of coupons

  36. mickpalace says:

    thank you

  37. Chris Weaver says:

    I was getting ticked off because it only offered me two coupons, then I read further for hte hidden ones! Thank you Jessica! Forgot about that! All ordered now!

  38. Kate says:

    LOL omgosh I was getting so annoyed at first lol. Thanks Mel for the tip 🙂

  39. Lisa says:

    Yes thank you Jessica for posting the site!! I was getting upset that I had only 2 coupons to choose from yet they want you to order three. Just ordered mine so its still available!

  40. Brenda says:

    I can’t seem to get coupons from different links to add to my cart.

  41. Rhonda says:

    Yes thank you for posting!!! Got me a freebie :blob9:

  42. Rhonda says:

    Brenda…don’t close the windows until you are in your final window with all coupons showing…this will keep the cart open to add coupons too. 🙂

  43. ankj says:

    Where can you find these? I don’t find these at SDM, Canadian Tier

  44. king says:

    I saw them at save on last week

  45. Brenda says:

    I got mine at Walmart.

  46. Dm says:

    Thanks got mine . I got this the last time they were on not bad now I can get another one .

  47. Kim says:

    Yay! Thanks. I can’t wait to try it.

  48. Em says:

    I got the coupon in the mail a week or so ago and bought the Fuji Apple & Spice one. Smells fantastic!

  49. gails says:

    not working for me. been trying all day.

  50. cora says:

    Got my coupon back in April and just picked up the pineapple mangosteen one – it is very sweet and yummy smelling! and can’t beat free!

  51. Natalka says:

    Thanks so much – still available this morning!
    Got the pineapple last time – it’s yummy smelling!


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