Weight Watchers WW Canada has a good offer to help you get healthier and lose weight. Get your first month free and then starting at $20 a month!
- Get your first month free + starting at $20 a month: Get your first month free on a 6 or 12-month Digital Commitment Plan and get a discounted monthly fee starting at $20 a month ($20/month for 12-month Digital plans or $22/month for 6-month Digital plans) by May 25th, 2020 (11:59pm EST). Plans auto-renew at the end of the applicable plan period, and you will be charged monthly thereafter at the standard monthly fee (currently $24.99 for Digital and $39.99 for Virtual Workshop + Digital) until you cancel. Offer available only on Digital Commitment Plans and for new members only.
- Join for free: Get a waiver of our $34.99 starter fee when you purchase a 3, 6 or 12-month Digital or 1-month Virtual Workshop + Digital Commitment Plan by May 25th, 2020 (11:59pm EST).
Click here for more information on WW Canada.