Here is the latest savings offering from West Jet Canada. For the next few hours, you can take advantage of the West Jet Blue Tag Sale. This sale is a 24 hour sale, allowing you to save on select flights to Mexico and the Caribbean.
All flight must be booked by 2pm MT today, July the 24th, 2015, leaving you a few hours to get in on the deal. Your date of travel must be from August the 31st to October the 31st, 2015. There are blackout dates from September the 3rd to the 8th, and from October the 8th to the 13th, 2015.
When checking out the fares keep in mind that seat sale fares are non refundable, all fares shown are one-way, and that flights may not operate on certain days. Also remember that advertised taxes and fees for Mexico and Caribbean destinations can fluctuate based on exchange rates.