Win A SodaStream Source For Mother’s Day + Discount Code


Our friends over at SodaStream want to help you treat your mother (or just yourself) for Mother’s Day and have given us a Soda Stream Source to give away.

The Prize: Soda Stream Source Starter Kit in black plastic including:

  • SodaStream Source machine
  • Carbonating bottle
  • 60L CO2 cylinder
  • 9 Portion Pack sample flavours (Cherry Cola, Ginger Ale, Orange Mango, Orange Grapefruit Sport, Superfruit Pomegranate, Tonic, Diet Tonic, Diet Lemon Lime, Diet Root Beer)

The Yves Behar designed SodaStream Source quickly turns chilled tap water into refreshing bubbly soda water.  You just push down the front section and hold until the desired carbonation level using the indicator on the front.  Then add in  sodamix syrups or other flavors from SodaStream and you can turn that soda water into all sorts of soft drinks and other fizzy beverages, cutting down on the waste from pop bottles.

The giveaway will end on May 9th – in time for you to let your mom know her prize is coming and for those who do not win to take advantage of the promo code mothersday2014 to save 10% (valid now through May 11th).  Shop online at SodaStream

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a Rafflecopter giveaway

158 responses to “Win A SodaStream Source For Mother’s Day + Discount Code”

  1. Courteney says:

    I would love to try the Cherry Cola!

  2. Judy C (Judy Cowan) says:

    Would love to try the Diet Cola!

  3. Linda B. says:

    Diet root beer, cherry cola and super fruit pomegranate would be my top three!

  4. Chris Stockford says:

    My Water Flavor!

  5. Esther says:

    Would like to try Ginger Ale!

  6. Joanne richards says:

    I would love to try the orange mango! Sounds delicious

  7. mrdisco says:

    i want to try cola

  8. Linda Peters says:

    Cherry Cola sounds good, thanks

  9. eriluo says:

    Tonic please!

  10. A. Offman says:

    Cola, Rootbeer and Orange. YuM!

  11. Ps says:

    The Cola and orange flavour!

  12. Jennifer T says:

    Cola and rootbeer

  13. Heather says:

    I’d love any of the diet flavours, especially the diet root beer

  14. marie cat says:

    crystal light on the go- natural lemonade yum

  15. GitaR says:

    Root beer and cola will be perfectly my “partner in crime” 😉

  16. anthony says:

    Cola root beer and tea!

  17. Gita says:

    Rootbeer and Cola

  18. Sunshine says:

    I’d like to try the lemon lime. (but wish they had Coca Cola as an option, I’m addicted to it, but trying to break the addiction).

  19. Aarica says:

    Would love to try Orange mango!

  20. Maria says:

    I would try the orange mango!

  21. amanda sharples says:

    The Diet Root Beer sounds good!

  22. Taylor J says:

    Really want to try Root Beer!

  23. Leanne says:

    I’d like to try the Cola!

  24. Josh S says:

    I would like to try the Cherry Cola.

  25. Brianne Hager says:

    I would love to try the Clear Passion Mango

  26. brianne sheppard says:

    pink grapefruit.. bee sheppardo on fb

  27. Christina Murray says:

    pink grapefruit

  28. Janie N says:

    Kraft Syrups – SodaStream Canada

  29. Rick F says:

    Root Beer

  30. minimusiclover says:

    I would love to try orange. 🙂

  31. Jessica says:

    Cherry cola, of course!

  32. Janice says:

    Orange Mango

  33. olivercat says:

    i would like to try old style cream soda

  34. Nancy says:

    I’d like to try the cherry cola!

  35. Lori says:

    I would love to try the diet cola, diet pink grapefruit and superfruits pomegranate. 🙂

  36. Andrew says:

    Pink Grapefruit sounds nice!

  37. chana says:

    goodness pink grapefruit

  38. Steve L. says:

    My mother always wanted this as she drinks carbonated water every so often. Would be great if I could win this for my mother!

  39. Melanie Tenaschyk says:

    Mmmm Grapefruit please!!

  40. Savanah ozman says:

    i would love to try all the flavors !!! but to choose one i’d try cola one first!!

  41. Peter C says:

    the orange mango looks good

  42. Helina says:

    Country Time Lemonade

  43. Chefgirl says:

    I would love to try cherry cola!

  44. Martin says:

    Gigner Ale!

  45. Nancy says:

    Cherry cola for sure!!

  46. bdog jones says:

    Cherry Cola

  47. yingy_c says:

    orange mango for sure!!!

  48. Tina L. says:

    Root Beer!

  49. Jasmin Natasha says:

    The dr. pepper or cherry soda ones sound great, but its hard to choose !

  50. Danae Simpkins says:

    Would love to try ginger ale!!!

  51. Amie says:

    The tonic and anything Grapefruit! Sound refreshing for summer!

  52. Sarah J says:

    Cherry Cola

  53. Melissa13 says:

    I would try Cream soda first!

  54. MeShell says:

    I want to try the cherry cola!!

  55. Jeannie says:

    I would love to try the cream soda first!

  56. Janice says:

    Ginger ale!

  57. Frederic Trempe says:

    Orange mango!

  58. Betty says:

    Would love to try Pink Grapefruit 😀

  59. Betty says:

    Would love to try Pink Grapefruit!

  60. Stephanie says:

    I would love to try pink grapefruit, country tyme lemonade, and root beer.

  61. Eldon says:

    Diet Cola!

  62. Lilija says:

    I want to try orange mango and cherry cola

  63. Tracy says:

    This looks like a fun product!

  64. Matt says:

    mmm I want to try Cherry Cola

  65. Angela Mitchell says:

    I’d love to try the Lemon Lime from their naturals line.

  66. Nick says:

    Would love to try tea!

  67. Heidi C. says:

    Pink Grapefruit or diet cola for me!

  68. Jennifer says:

    Pink grapefruit or root beer!

  69. Kelvin Y says:

    WANT! 🙂

  70. Kelvin Y says:

    Would love to try Cola~

  71. Jo-Anne Pfoh says:

    cherry cola all the way

  72. Bri says:

    tonic! 🙂

  73. natasha says:

    I would love to try the root beer, gingerale and cherry cola!! 🙂

  74. sarah sar says:

    I want to try cola, root beer and cream soda. Can you tell I love cola?? 😀

  75. Jo says:

    I woud love to try the cherry cola!

  76. Joan says:

    Orange mango please 😉

  77. Bonnie says:

    Great giveaway! Thank you! Good luck too all!

  78. Rita says:


  79. Aprile says:

    Cherry Cola for sure!

  80. Jonathan says:


  81. S. Hirano says:

    I would love to try the diet root beer flavor.

  82. Andre Q says:

    Been thinking about one of those for a while. Plain carbonated water would be fine 😛

  83. Michelle says:

    Grapefruit. Yum!

  84. Katherine says:

    I would like to try the orange mango flavour 🙂 sounds yummy!

  85. Brandee says:

    I would love to try the lemon lime or orange mango natural syrup.

  86. Trish says:

    Ginger Ale, Orange Mango, and Orange Grapefruit!

  87. Jarrod says:

    Cola and Cherry Cola 😀

  88. Valerie Crawford says:

    I would love to try the Cranberry/Raspberry!

  89. MJ says:

    Cherry cola!

  90. Kim s says:

    Grapefruit sport

  91. Sumita says:

    Diet lemon lime! Perfect for the summer!

  92. Ava Mifflin says:

    Root Berk or cola

  93. Sarah says:

    Diet coke and orange / mango

  94. Vivian says:

    I would like to try the My Water variety pack which contains 3 flavours; berry, orange, and lemon-lime. No calories, just flavour.

  95. Cat says:

    I want to try Cherry coke

  96. yuka says:

    Would like to try the Ginger ale! wondering if its as good as the other brands.

  97. Rob says:

    Would like to try the diet cola!

  98. Strawberrymivvy says:

    Loving the sound of the tea!

  99. Abby1 says:

    I would love to try Cola! Very interested to see what Cherry Cola tastes like as well.

  100. Paula says:

    I have never tried this product

  101. angela m says:

    I would love to try the lemon lime

  102. nic says:

    Cherry cola!!

  103. kc says:

    diet cola – my fave!

  104. Larissa says:

    Gingerale sounds good!

  105. dorp says:

    Would like to try the diet lemon lime

  106. luckbealady says:

    Considering how swollen my tonsils are right now, Ginger Ale sounds good to me!

    • luckbealady says:

      Oh, I guess I should have commented under my Rafflecopter name of Issa. Whoops!

  107. Dianne Bull says:

    I like to be on the wild side and would like to try them all…Yum!

  108. Annie M says:


  109. lmcv says:

    I would love to try Orange Grapefruit Sport

  110. Rachel says:

    Would love to try the rootbeer flavour!

  111. Angela says:

    This would be an awesome thing to have. Soda is great for calming down nausea, a constant in my life, but I hate all the sugar or aspartame with the store bought sodas. I could use natural flavours.

  112. Lisa says:

    Definitely would love to try the cola

  113. jackie says:

    I definitely need to try the diet cola and see if it compares to the real diet coke.

  114. Andrea Amy says:

    iced tea or koolaid

  115. Nancy says:

    Lemon-lime for me.

  116. asmdrangon says:

    I’d like to try this.

  117. sarah says:

    cherry cola!

  118. ST says:

    Would like to try

  119. vickie says:


  120. Jonnie says:

    I want to try Diet Cola

  121. Venus says:

    Mmm, orange mango for sure!

  122. Nicky says:

    Cherry Cola!!!!

  123. pierre says:

    Goodness Pink Grapefruit , natural sparkling flavor! why not!

  124. Piroska says:

    I’d love to try the Cranberry Raspberry Fruit drink

  125. krystyl olson says:

    diet rootbeer

  126. Lori says:

    Mmmm cherry cola

  127. Joy says:

    All the diet flavours sound good, but diet root beer would be the one I’d want to try first.

  128. Rebby says:

    Cherry Cola…YUM!

  129. Anna says:

    Orango Mango!

  130. Alana says:

    Would love to try cherry cola!

  131. Sunraven says:

    Orange Mango

  132. maya says:

    Cherry cola!!

  133. Connie says:

    Orange mango!

  134. Lisa Neutel says:

    I’d love to try the cherry cola

  135. Cathi says:

    I love cherry cola and it is soooo hard to find, so that would be my treat!

  136. Jim says:

    Looking forward to trying the lemon/lime.

  137. angie says:

    I would like to try the pink grapfruit.

  138. lori b says:

    root beer for me

  139. anthony says:

    root beer

  140. Matt D. says:

    I’d love to try Orange Mango!

  141. Bev says:

    I would love to try cherry cola.

  142. Sunshine G says:

    Raspberry, but also the cherry cola.

  143. Amirah says:

    I would love to try Cherry Cola 🙂

  144. sara rai says:

    orange mango:)

  145. Steph Bkn says:

    Would love to try any of the Ocean Spray flavors!

  146. Hailey says:

    I want to try ginger ale

  147. natasha c says:

    Cherry cola…
    But I wanna try alllllll of them!!

  148. Angela B says:

    I love Cherry Cola!

  149. Catherine Roberts says:

    I would like to try the Cherry Cola, Lemon-Lime, Ginger Ale and Root Beer… all diet of course.

  150. Francine says:

    Root beer

  151. Joy says:

    cranberry raspberry

  152. Carol M (Lushka S) says:

    Coke, to see if it is as good

  153. Cathy C says:

    Cherry Cola for me please!

  154. Jen C AKA @JusticeSadie says:

    Ginger Ale would be my Favorite and fist on the list to try

  155. lucy says:

    root beer


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