Win One of Two Sets of 2 Valentines Coupon Booklets From McDonalds


We have some McDonalds coupon booklets to giveaway.  Each booklet includes six coupons for children under 12 to get freebies from McDonalds and expire April 30th and winners will receive two booklets (12 coupons total).

Each booklet includes

  • 2 x Free Child Size Drink
  • 2 x Small Ice Cream Cone
  • 2 x Small Fries

Enter using the rafflecopter widget below! (May take a few seconds to load)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

197 responses to “Win One of Two Sets of 2 Valentines Coupon Booklets From McDonalds”

  1. terrie says:

    fries olease

  2. roger simmons says:

    We love, we love or should I say we all scream for Ice Cream!

  3. Claudine says:


  4. Tami says:

    Love McD’s french fries!

  5. Julie G. says:

    Ooh, the ice cream for sure!

  6. Heather says:

    Nice! My kids would love these!

  7. Jenny-Lynn says:

    Ice cream!

  8. Tracey MacDonald-MacEwen says:

    The Ice Cream for sure !!!

  9. Sara L says:

    Always had a weakness for McD’s fries!

  10. Michelle says:

    Ice cream 🙂

  11. Beetwelve says:

    Fries fries fries!!!

  12. mando says:


  13. Rosa says:

    I scream for “ice cream!”:)

  14. Lauren says:

    Mmm fries

  15. Christina A says:

    Thanks for the great contest!
    Good luck all! 🙂

  16. Andrea says:

    My kids would go ga-ga over the ice cream 🙂 Thank you for the chance!

  17. Erin Brayshaw says:

    Love their fries!

  18. Arlene says:

    love the ice cream

  19. Hailey says:

    good treat

  20. Vicky McP says:

    Ice cream!

  21. ROSE says:

    The ‘Best Fries’ Ever….and Lot’s of Caramel & Nut’s on the Icecream..

  22. T says:

    fries 🙂

  23. Happy Mom says:

    Ice cream!!!

  24. Crystal says:

    Ice cream any day!!!!

  25. lornar couponer says:

    ice cream or mcD fries – yummy guess ice cream wins

  26. Kristi Renout says:

    I like the ice cream!

  27. Lisa says:

    Yummy! Ice cream is mine and dd’s favorite!

  28. Amy says:


  29. kathryn says:

    Mmmm ice cream!

  30. Christy says:

    Free icecream!

  31. Sarah says:

    My kids would lOve the ice-cream coupons

  32. shelley k says:


  33. sfaraz says:

    ice cream

  34. Sarah says:

    The ice cream coupons would make a great treat on the way home from class 🙂

  35. Heather says:

    Ice Cream!

  36. Digi says:


  37. Dareen647 says:

    icecream!! yumm

  38. Ashley J says:

    the ice cream, of course!

  39. Mariecelle says:

    Ice cream please!

  40. Lisa says:

    I scream,you scream, we all scream for ice cream!!

  41. Caitie - couponclippercaitie says:

    Definately the ice cream is my fave!!!

  42. Melly says:

    Fries and ice cream!

  43. FunShopper says:

    Free ice cream.

  44. Breylormom says:

    Icecream…definitely icecream

  45. pinkps says:


  46. Curtis says:

    My daughter likes the fries.

  47. Emma says:

    Small Ice Cream Cone

  48. Erin says:

    Love the fries!

  49. Jaxflower says:

    Gotta love those fries!

  50. Mattys mom says:

    Little man would love the walk to McD’s (only a few blocks away) for an ice cream!

  51. Kaye says:

    Kids will love it

  52. Hope says:


  53. sarah says:

    i’m excited for the cone!

  54. Dimitra says:

    Fries !!!!
    Ice cream s a close second though.

  55. Strawberrymivvy says:

    Definitely the ice cream, cos all kids can be bribed with ice cream!

  56. Tammy W. says:

    Fries are the best…love the chicken nuggets to go with them too 🙂

  57. Brandy Vallet says:

    Ice cream, of course!!

  58. King Chung Huang says:

    Definitely fries.

  59. Cori-Ann says:

    Ice cream!

  60. Shauna says:

    Fries of course!!

  61. ashokia says:

    Definitely the fries!

  62. Jeannie says:

    Definitely the ice cream cones!

  63. Mms says:

    Interesting way to enter … I hope I am doing the right thing… Would like to win

  64. Melissa says:


  65. Jerry says:

    Yum me

  66. echin says:

    Ice cream !!

  67. Julie says:

    Fries, it is all about the fries.

  68. Olivia says:


  69. Lili says:

    Love the french fries

  70. Pei Qing Yu says:

    Free Ice cream cone!

  71. Kristin says:

    I love McDonalds

  72. Gnormangnome says:


  73. Debbie Kennedy says:

    Ice cream cones!

  74. Kylie says:

    Kiddos would love that. thank you!

  75. Sam says:

    Ice cream

  76. cdnchk says:

    Anything dipped in hot oil and liberally doused with salt is a good thing. Fries me please!

  77. Joanne says:

    Love the fries. !

  78. sparkletangerine says:

    I scream fro ICE CREAM!!!!!

  79. CharT says:

    ice cream;)

  80. asmdrangon says:

    Ice cream

  81. JW says:

    Definitely the ice cream!! 🙂

  82. amandabananda says:

    Ice cream!

  83. Ashley Yarrow says:

    love their fries!

  84. Fatema says:

    Cute contest. Thanks for the chance to win these booklets

  85. ccmskates says:


  86. Kara Dalgleish says:

    Ice cream! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  87. Janice says:

    anything at McDonalds!!

  88. Janice says:


  89. Cheripou says:

    My kids would sure love those fries…and mom too!

  90. Kristyn says:

    The ice cream 🙂

  91. CL says:

    french fries!

  92. PINKROSE says:


  93. Linda says:

    Yummy mouth is watering already..

  94. Tawnee says:

    mmm fries!

  95. pj wiseman says:

    free ice cream of course 🙂

  96. Luisa says:

    Ice cream

  97. jen says:

    Ice cream!!

  98. Aatlaantis says:

    Ice cream for sure!

  99. K Choi says:


  100. Liz says:

    MC’Ds fries are the best!

  101. Phil says:

    fries… Yum

  102. Shejayd says:

    My favorite is the small ice cream cone, mmmmmm.

  103. angela says:

    Those fries…

  104. macw1960 says:

    DH and I love the fries & that is about it.

  105. Josephine says:

    Ice cream cone! It’s the only thing I eat from McDonald’s.

  106. Danifish says:

    mmmm fries!!!!

  107. Danifish says:

    yummy fries!!!!

  108. Ash says:

    Gotta love those fries!

  109. TINA says:

    Ice Cream all the way 🙂

  110. Grimmie says:

    The Icecream for sure!!

  111. Lindy says:

    The Ice cream is my favourite!

  112. janice says:

    Best fries ever….

  113. Myrna says:

    Love the McDonalds fries!!

  114. ah muin says:

    it’s perfect. Hmmmm – can’t wait to go to MacDonald for the ice cream/fries

  115. Scott Lang says:

    I have the best memories of the ice cream as a kid with my friends and family.

  116. Linda Peters says:

    ice cream of course even in the winter.

  117. Gemma says:

    Ice Cream Cone

  118. Steveo says:

    The cones!

  119. Joy says:

    ice cream cones!

  120. Courtenay Theresa Alicia Coad says:

    Love mcdonalds french fries and so does my son lol! Its a little treat once and awhile 🙂 Thanks for the chance!

  121. damsle says:

    Ice cream cones. I can remember when these use to cost a nickle and where given out on Halloween

  122. Lauren says:

    Thanks for the contest, we love their coupons 😀 Our favourite is the ice cream.

  123. Lisa L says:

    Cannot beat the fries!!! Family favourite!

  124. May says:

    Love the ice cream !

  125. Jessica says:

    Ice Cream!!

  126. Dianne says:

    I would normally say “ICE CREAM” but with the temperature today I’ll go with the yummy fries.

  127. Karly says:

    Ice Cream! 😀

  128. Janey T. says:

    x2 icecream~

  129. Angelika says:

    I love the icecream part in this McDonald`s booklet for Valentine`s Day is part of this giveaway.

  130. Ivan says:


  131. francine says:


  132. Dani says:

    Ice cream for sure.

  133. Sandra D. says:

    The fries, yum !

  134. archdandy says:

    Woohoo, I love Mcdonalds coupons!

  135. Rachel says:

    french fries!

  136. Tristan says:

    mmm.. ice cream!

  137. LESLIE says:

    fries for sure! mmm.

  138. Emmanuelle says:

    My grandchildren love McDonald’s 🙂

  139. Ann_88 says:

    Icecream ones =D

  140. Nancy says:

    I love the junior mcchickens

  141. Jacquelyn says:

    I scream u scream we all scream for ICE CREAM!!!

  142. Sctich says:

    Ice cream! An outing and a treat for my family!

  143. Paige Sharp says:

    the fries
    my son loves them

  144. Shelley says:

    ice crea m

  145. Heidi says:

    Gotta have the CONE so my insides are as cold as my outsides.

  146. T. Schmidt says:

    What’s better than ice cream on a day with a minus 25 degree temperature outside!!! I’ll go with the ice cream!!!

  147. 2jk19 says:

    Tough choice! Ice cream and their fries are my fav – alright lets go with the ice cream for the sake of choosing lol yum!

  148. diandra budd says:

    fries <3

  149. ashley says:

    Ice cream! 🙂

  150. Linda says:

    What a great idea these are!

  151. april says:


  152. Rnutt says:


  153. Katie says:

    small fries! McD’s are my favourite type! 🙂

  154. Nadine says:

    Ice cream, please!

  155. Susan says:

    fries dipped in ice cream, now that’s a treat!

  156. nancy says:

    ice cream!

  157. nisiepie says:


  158. maggie says:

    Mc D’s fries are so good!

  159. erin says:

    the •2 x Free Child Size Drink

  160. Nicole says:

    Wish our Mcdonalds sold these 🙁 Great idea for the class kiddies.

  161. Kerri says:

    Fries for sure!

  162. paul says:

    who doesn’t like the fries, not me.

  163. Rock_climberjoe says:

    Perfect for my niece and nefew

  164. SANDRA says:

    keep an eye on your fries…….fries all the way!!!

  165. Tara Willie says:

    Ice Cream

  166. Jess says:

    Mmmm, french fries!!!

  167. Dany D. says:

    Nothing better than fries!!

  168. Jennifer Capson says:

    This would be such a yummy surprise for the kids!

  169. Jennifer C says:

    Definitely those delicious salty fried

  170. Rosanna says:

    My boys love eating at McDonald’s and this is their favorite place. Loving it!

  171. WestCoastMom says:

    Haven’t seen these booklets out west….they are great to have on hand

  172. WestCoastMom says:

    oops – the fries coupon – hands down!

  173. Cass Wong says:

    Hand down, ice cream is the best. But the fries aren’t bad either 😉

  174. Kate says:

    Ice cream all the way!

  175. Alex says:

    ice cream

  176. Lynn says:


  177. christind says:

    Yay free stuff

  178. Barb Botosh says:

    Has to be the fries of course 🙂

  179. Linda Unwin says:

    MMMMMM McDonalds!

  180. Julie B says:

    I hope I win

  181. Tracey Collins says:

    French fries!

  182. Angela Mitchell says:

    The ice cream for sure.

  183. Lisa says:

    Love the ice cream 🙂

  184. kimmie bt says:

    Free McDonald’s! It doesn’t get any better than that. 🙂

  185. Diana G says:

    fries… please and thank you

  186. Anita says:


  187. Crystal Norman says:

    Ice cream!

  188. Han EL says:

    Ice cream cone! thanks

  189. Kitty says:


  190. Cindy Thurston says:

    Ice-cream 🙂

  191. Dale says:

    -41 here for the last 4 days! So I would have to say fries over the icecream!!! 🙂

  192. Boni Fun says:

    The fries

  193. Sam says:



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