So . . . like, uh, did anyone else totally panic when Smart Canucks was not available!? I couldn’t log on for all of about 2 hours and I tried about 5 times! Ahk. Must keep up with deals, am going out of town tomorrow, imagine what I might have missed! These are my thoughts as I hit the panic button again and again. Ok maybe a little dramatic, yes – maybe I should be packing, yes – I love you SC. Please don’t ever leave me again! *sighs breathlessly
i didnt have troubles logging in becuase i never log out LOL. i just could view pages and was(and still am) getting 408 request time out ALL THE TIME!!! so frustrating!
I keep getting the time out as well. Glad I’m not the only one
me too!
me three!!
me three!!
me three!!
Same here. For no reason at all, I hit the refresh button again and again and again… until I get my smartcanucks page. Finally, the world is at peace, and I can start my day, lol.
i could get into the forum just fine, but not the main page (blog).
LOL!! I kept trying too – at first, I thought it was MY computer acting up (again!).
Missed you, SC!!
same..timing out
I had that issue too. I also had it for about an hour this morning. I’m glad it’s all good in the land of SC again!!
That’s why I subscribe! Never without my Smart Canucks!
Don’t be so mellow dramatic. You’ve gone on days without posting anything and here you are yammering about two hours. Sheesh. I didn’t see anything for yesterday (Aug 15).
LOL – I’m sorry Scott, did you miss me? Don’t worry soon I will post everyday! It is just a lighthearted post referring to how I needed to CHECK the FORUM b4 I went out of town. Wouldn’t have wanted to miss great deals in the city I was going to. 🙂 Thanks for keeping up with my posts though!!
p.s. this IS blueegg I just had my name on the blog before I started blogging and can’t seem to change it!