Zellers Canada 5 Million HBC Point Giveaway!

Canadian Deals & Coupons


You can now enter to win 5 MILLION HBC points from Zellers by signing up to receive a free e-flyer to your email account.   It’s a huge grand prize and you don’t really have to do anything to be entered.  Think of all the possibilities with 5 million HBC points…  This contest is open until Sept. 19, 2009.

Click here to sign up for the e-flyer and be entered to win.

23 responses to “Zellers Canada 5 Million HBC Point Giveaway!”

  1. No thanks says:

    “All the possibilities with 5 million points”….that buys a whopping $600 in HBC gift cards, or $500 with other retailers. Contests like this that promote the “millions” of points really don’t amount to a ton when you convert the points

  2. maybe says:

    I don’t know if I would call $600 nothing. I’ll be happy to take a free $600.

  3. ElsaLAbbe says:

    I entered the contest, and I will be very happy if and when I win!!! No problem for me!

  4. leslie738 says:

    Sounds good to me! I would be excited about ANY contest I won. Especially one for $600 just for entering. Thanks for the info.

  5. DARSHAN says:


  6. DARSHAN says:


  7. Sept. 10, 2010
    Rewards Card number 600294 916 409 740
    Re: contest – one million Hbc Reward Points

    I am very disappointed as I just received the letter from “the Bay” yesterday in which it says quote, “please visit out VIP website before October 15”.

    I tried to enter the contest this evening and got to view an announcement that said the registration time was closed.



  8. I cannot find above website. letter stated open until October 15/2010. What is happening?



  9. Norma says:

    EXCUSE ME …..??
    “This contest is open until September 19, 2009” …. Click here to sign up for the e-flyer and be entered to win.
    That’s what you say, so why has the contest closed! We all deserve an explanation. Thank you.

  10. Barry Sammartino says:

    I also tried to sign up for this contest after receiving my VIP letter. I was told the same thing that the contest was closed. Please advise asap.

  11. Ramonita Berger says:

    I had the same offer in my receipt yesterday so i tried to come in here only to be advised the contest had been closed.

  12. Very disappointed when I went to this web site like it says to do on the bill of sale for purchases made at the VIP sale on Saturday and Sunday September 16 & 17, 2010 at the Bay Store in Georgian Mall, Barrie, Ont.
    to register for million points contest. To no avail. Please correct this situation. Somehow I have the feeling this e mail just miht not go through.

  13. By the way it states on the bill closing date tobe Oct 15

  14. Ruth Haines says:

    I tried to enter your contest for TheBay.com for bonus points and could
    not access it even though my bill said I could do so until Oct. 15/10. Did someone goof?

  15. D. Lemay says:

    I have tried numerous times to get on to the VIP website to put my name in for the One Million Hbc Rewards points. Unable to get to this website to add my Hbc Reward number. Do not quite understand why the letter that I have received stated before Oct 15/2010 and the website is showing Sept 19/2009. What is this all about?

  16. May Barrett says:

    I’ve been trying for a week to register for the One Million Points contest but can’t get through to the website. The letter I received said that October 15, 2010 was the deadline. What gives? I’m surprised that The Bay dropped the ball on this one as it certainly isn’t good customer relations.

  17. Shelly U says:

    I also received a few messages for me to enter. I can see quite a few of you also had the same “problem”. Looks to me like they aren’t really concerned. With the new Boss Lady on board,I thought things may change, but, no,looks like its’ the same old story with the Bay…..

    Just had a thought – It would be good PR if they gave us ALL 1 MILLION Bonus Points.

  18. Elaine S. says:

    I like Shelly U’s idea. Many of us have been faithful Bay shoppers and supporters for many years and this PR flop is not helpful to the overall brand. I think if we were given the 1million Bonus points it might help redeem their integrity.

  19. Pat Tedford says:

    I also tried to access the website thebay.com/Million Points
    – frustrating and disappointing.

  20. Jessica Baker says:

    pooooppppyyyy 🙁

  21. To everyone having trouble registering on the Bay’s Million Points promotion website:

    I work for the Bay on the Million Points promotion. Some of the issues with logging into the site were caused by customers trying to login prior to the website being activated on Sept. 13th. For some reason you were being directed to an old Zellers promotion by mistake, which is why you got the “promotion has ended” message.
    If you have tried recently to login to the Million Points website and are still having a problem, there are a couple of things you can do:
    1) go to http://www.thebay.com/millionpoints.aspx
    2) go to http://www.thebay.com and once you are on the Bay’s website, add /millionpoints to the URL at the top of your screen. Either of thse options should work for you.
    We have had thousands of customers register already, so the URL is working for most people – not sure why there have been a few exceptions.

    We sincerely hope that you will try again to register. If anyone has a problem again, please email me directly at [email protected]
    Isabel Albert

  22. A.JETHA says:

    Hope to win!

  23. A.JETHA says:

    Hope to win!


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