Zevia Canada Coupons: Save $2 On a 6-Pack Zevia Zero Calorie Soda

Zevia Canada CouponsZevia Canada has a new savings printable coupon! Get $2 off a  6-pack of Zevia Soda! Zevia cola is all naturally flavoured with zero calorie soda and has no sugar and no artificial sweeteners but still tastes like cola! This Zevia coupon is valid for a limited time only.

Click here to get your Zevia savings coupon

2 responses to “Zevia Canada Coupons: Save $2 On a 6-Pack Zevia Zero Calorie Soda”

  1. A says:

    Just FYI, the link in this post goes to the US coupon portal – the coupon I printed is US only. The link should be as follows to get the Canadian version of the coupon:


  2. Ms Dreamy says:

    Thank you A 🙂 Have a lovely day!


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