If you live in Edmonton, mark your calendars because they are hosting
The Great Potato Giveaway and offering 50 lbs of FREE potatoes per person with over 100,000 pounds to give away!!
Click here for all the details
Thanks to Melody113 for this freebie!
I’m not Elaine’s neighbour on seinfeld, I wouldn’t know what to do with 50lbs of potatoes. 🙂
I don’t think you have to take the whole 50lbs
lol … take 1 or 2 pounds. or ten! make meals for a week! a year! 😛
Damn, Edmonton is so far from Fredericton. I could do a lot with 50 lbs of potatoes. Slice ’em up as fries and freeze them. Lots of mashed potatoes. scalloped, chips, something to throw out the window at that damn kid on his dirtbike in the street.
@ Eric …
Could always take the 50lbs, and then take what you need home, drop the rest off at the shelters for the homeless etc, they could always use extra food
he chose the treat wtf