Air Canada Pricing Error Deal: Flights from US Cities to Dubai to Toronto From $623 Round Trip


If you’ve ever thought of travelling to Dubai, you’ll want to take advantage of this great deal available from Air Canada right now! Head over to Air Canada and you can choose flights departing from various US cities to Dubai and returning back to Toronto from just $623 round trip! This deal is most likely due to a pricing error with Air Canada as most flights are selling for at least double this price.


I just tried out the deal myself to make sure it was still working and was able to find a return trip flight from Air Canada for only $623.06. When I searched on other sites such as Expedia, similar flights were selling for $1150 and up. There are a few catches to get this deal to work:

  • You must depart from a US city -including New York, Boston, Dallas, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco
  • You can fly from that US city through Toronto to Dubai and not change the price. Unfortunately you cannot skip the US part of your trip and just show up in Toronto expecting to get on the flight, as missing one flight means connecting flights get cancelled as well
  • You can fly from Dubai back to Toronto and skip flying back into the US (some people say it works for Montreal as well)
  • This offer works only for flights in November and December 2015

As this deal is most likely a pricing error, it could end at any time. There is also a small chance that Air Canada could cancel your tickets.

Click here to book your flight with Air Canada.

4 responses to “Air Canada Pricing Error Deal: Flights from US Cities to Dubai to Toronto From $623 Round Trip”

  1. Teeb says:

    You could also do a open jaw flight like this:;iti=YYZ_DXB,DWC_2015-11-17*DXB,DWC_JFK,EWR,LGA_2015-11-25;tt=m

    but instead of going to new york, you get-off at Toronto.

  2. Mulla says:

    Can’t seem to find the same deal, total is coming out to over $1000.

    • Am says:

      Hi Mulla, the tickets may have already sold out, or Air Canada may have corrected the pricing. I couldn’t spot anything under $1000 just now either

  3. Mulla says:

    Deal doesn’t seem to be there


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