Save 5%, 10%, 15%, or 20% off your next online purchase from the toys & games and gift & paper shops and earn Air Miles reward miles.
You have to shop through the website to redeem the coupon and get your discount.
Each coupon is unique, so you’ll have to copy and paste your own from the emails being sent out to Air Miles members.
Click here for the website
yay i just got this too 🙂
anyone have one they wont use?? I didnt get one 🙁
You can have mine, just send me a PM on the forum.
I also have one if u need one amy just comment again
I would love one, if anyone has one they would like to RAOK 🙂 My boys bday is coming up 🙂 Please pm me. Thanks!
@freebielovingmama – i will email u my code. since i blog myself i can see your email address – hope that’s okay!
anyone have an extra code? would appreciate it — thanks!!!
Hi there,
I can’t seem to get mine. 🙁 Does anyone have an extra code they’d be willing to spare? Thanks so much 🙂
did anyone get this code to work??? I tried several times and it will not work 🙁
Damn website wouldn’t let me use it so I just ordered from Amazon.