Harveys Canada Printable Discount Coupon 2 Can Dine For $10.99


Harveys has emailed me another 2 can dine for coupon.  This coupon is valid until February 7th.  Good for 2 hamburgers and 4 sides.  Apparently you can substitute the burger for a veggie burger according to a Harvey’s rep whom commented on my last coupon.

Click here to print off your coupon.

4 responses to “Harveys Canada Printable Discount Coupon 2 Can Dine For $10.99”

  1. itsjustmebub says:

    nom nom nom harveys

  2. Judy says:

    Hey, I don’t think you get 4 sides! Just 2 burgers, 2 sides and 2 drinks! That’s what the coupon says, and that’s all I’ve ever received with this special.

  3. Dan Levy says:

    @Judy. I think by 4 sides the Op means you don’t HAVE to get drinks & can switch them for 2 extra sides but I agree with you. Reading the coupon it does seem to indicate you get 2 drinks and a choice of any 2 other sides (except poutine).

  4. Onshopper says:

    I just got 2 burgers, 2 pop and 2 sides for 9.99 who really needs fries and rings???


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