Canada Online Deals: KitchenAid One All 8 Cup Glass Stovetop Percolator is Now Just $18.99 (Was $48.94)

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Rise and shine to this amazing offer from where they are selling an One All 8 Cup Glass Stovetop Percolator by KitchenAid for just $18.99, where it was normally retailing for about $48. What’s truly great about this current offer is that other sites were selling it for $20 in some cases, plus shipping and handling. While this order won’t qualify for free-shipping with (as the order must exceed $25) you can certainly add on a few filler items to meet the $25 minimum.

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The One All 8 Cup Glass Stovetop Percolator does the quick and efficient job of brewing you a solid amount of coffee in the morning, but more importantly it is hurricane proof as it does not require a plug to brew coffee; just a source of heat like your stovetop or even a George Foreman! Within Canada, we have power outages more often than we’d care to admit. Whether it be by snow, rain, hail or wind, it seems a transformer is always getting dislodged and leaving us in total darkness (at least in my neighbourhood) and the last thing you want while in the midst of a power outage is to be without coffee. will ship this item for free if you fill your cart to $25, or you could bite the bullet and pay the shipping and handling fee of $5.74.

Click here to buy the KitchenAid One All 8 Cup Stovetop Percolator from

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