is selling an Xbox One Wireless Controller right now for $20 off the regular price, as it is now being sold for the reduced price of $39.99. Since this is being sold through, and it is also above $25, you will be able to order this controller with the free-shipping offer from Amazon as well.
If you’d rather not buy your controller online, and would like to take a chance on the stock availability at Future Shop Canada, then starting this Friday you will also be able to purchase the Xbox One Wireless Controller from Future Shop for $20 off the regular price, at just $39.99. If you check out this week’s flyer from Future Shop, you will be able to see that both the Wireless Controller and the game Watchdogs will be on sale for $20 off their regular prices, with Watchdog’s coming in just under $20 at $19.99.
No matter which retailer you purchase the Xbox One Wireless Controller from, you shouldn’t be paying more than $39.99 this week as that seems to be the lowest price tag available at the moment.
- Click here to buy the Xbox One Wireless Controller from,
- or here to check out this week’s flyer from Future Shop Canada.