
Stamps are going up, but you can still get them for .54 at Staples!

  While doing my boxing day shopping at staples I noticed a sign saying that although the price of stamps is going up .03 cents in January, you can still get stamps for .54 at staples!! So no need to go stock up on stamps! I didnt get a chance to see if the offer has …Read More

Canadian Deals:Breast Cancer Store Coupon Code

Enter “THANKS” at checkout to take $10 off your order of $40 or more! But hurry, offer expires 11/22/09 at 11:59pm PST. When you use this coupon code not only will you be  helping your wallet, but your purchase will also help the breast cancer foundation! Ill definately be taking advantage of this offer! Click here to …Read More

Canadian Freebies-FREE Alberto Styling Product*HOT*

 The first 20,000 people to become a fan on the Alberto European facebook page will recieve a coupon for a FREE Alberto European Styling product!! Hurry though this will run out pretty fast CLICK HERE to become a fan and get your coupon *Thanks couponlady for this awesome freebie!

Canadian Deals: FREE Reach Toothbrush at Rexall!

From Oct. 31-Nov 5, Rexall has Reach toothbrushes on for .99 each! Use your 1.00 coupon and get them for free! PLUS there is 1 bonus airmile for every one purchased so not only do you get a free toothbrush but FREE AIRMILES! CLICK HERE to order your coupon!

Canadian Deals: Shoppers Drug Mart Canada 10x the points WUB 2 Glade Products!

From Nov 1st to Dec 4th get 10X the shoppers optimum points with the purchase of any 2 Glade products. Plus, get spotted with 2 Glade products and you could instantly win a $5000 Home Makeover!! *Thanks jenlively49! 🙂

Canadian Deals-M&M Meat Shops FREE Pie(Oct 24 ONLY)

 M&M Meat Shops is having their 29th Anniversary Sale! One day only! FREE APPLE PIE with any purchase, Oct 24, 2009 ONLY! Limit 1 pie per purchase, per day! Regular retail value $3.99. Purchases of GC’s excluded *Thanks carlyincanada! 🙂

Canadian Deals-Foot Locker Canada Friends and Family Sale

From October 22- October 24th, Foot Locker is having their Friends and Family sale! Receive 30% off ALL Merhandise plus an additional 10% off $150 or more! Cannot be combined with any other offers. Valid at all Foot Locker locations exclduing Dixie Outlet Mall. CLICK HERE to print your coupon *Thanks couponlady! 🙂

Canadian Deals-Please Mum Canada Warehouse Sale!

Please Mum will be having a warehouse sale!! Here are the details Date: Saturday October 24th and Sunday October 25th from 9:00 Am – 5:00 Pm Location: 333 Woodland Drive, Vancouver, B.C All Accessories – $1.00 All Tops and Bottoms – $3.00 All Jackets – $10.00 * Cash Only All proceeds go towards deserving children …Read More

Canadian Deals: Cineplex B1G1 FREE Far Coast Beverages

From now until November 20, 2009 print this coupon and bring it to you local Cineplex theatre to receive a FREE Far Coast beverage when you purchase one Far Coast Beverage! Approx. Value $4.69 CLICK HERE to print your coupon! ~Thanks couponlady! 🙂

Canadian Deals-Old Navy Canada Goga(Yoga) Wear $15

Check out your OLD NAVY for awesome Goga (yoga) wear for only $15!!! Sale starts Fri, Oct 23, 2009 and goes until Thurs, Oct 29, 2009. If you want something particular, be sure to get there asap because they are sure to go fast! *Thanks Nat! 🙂

Canadian Deals-Foxy Jewelry 40% Off! TODAY ONLY!

TODAY ONLY Foxy originals jewelry is have an amazing sale!! Receive 40% off all online merchandise when you enter the coupon code wild at the checkout. I love foxy jewelry but i never knew they had a website! They used to have a small kiosk in the local mall, but they moved :-(. I know …Read More

Canadian Deals-Presidents Choice $10 Gift Card with $20 purchase of P&G Products!

Received a $10 PC gift card by mail when you spend $20 (before tax) on the following brands: ORAL B COVERGIRL ALWAYS CREST TAMPAX GILLETTE OLAY IVORY PANTENE CLAIROL SECRET OLD SPICE Participating stores: Loblaws, Extra Foods, Real Canadian Superstore, Zehrs, Loblaws, Fortinos and Independent. You can pick up the mail in rebate forms near the participating …Read More

Canadian Deals-Shoppers Drug Mart Canada FREE $20 Esso Gas Card

On Saturday October 18 and Sunday October 19 recieve a FREE $20 Esso Gas card when you spend $75 or more on almost anything in the store! **Offer valid on the purchase total of eligible products after discounts and redemptions and before taxes. Excludes prescription purchases, products with codeine, tobacco products (where applicable), stamps, passport …Read More

Canadian Deals: Wendy’s Halloween Coupon Booklet For Sale!

There for sale! Wendy’s currently has a coupon booklet on sale for $2. In this booklet you will find 4 coupons for FREE frosties, and 4 coupons for FREE Fries! Get them for your kids, or even for yourself :-P. You dont have to be a kid to use these 😉 The coupons are valid fromNovember …Read More

Canadian Deals-Shoppers Drug Mart $10 Coupon With $50 Purchase!

From September 28-October 2 receive a FREE $10.00 Shoppers Drug Mart Coupon when you spend $50 or more on almost anything in the store! Offer valid on the purchase total of eligible products after discounts and redemptions and before taxes. Excludes prescription purchases, products with codeine, tobacco products (where applicable), stamps, Passport photos, lottery tickets, …Read More

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