Banana Republic Canada: Celebrate their anniversary with a special mystery gift!

Canadian Deals & Coupons


Oct 8-12 only, celebrate Banana Republic’s anniversary by saving $15, $25, $100 or $500 off your purchase. To find out your savings in store, you will need to bring in the email for this deal to checkout. The email has a code unique to everyone and that will determine what savings you get. So if you are subscribed to their mailing list, you should of got one!

9 responses to “Banana Republic Canada: Celebrate their anniversary with a special mystery gift!”

  1. cheapy says:

    Where’s the barcode?

  2. spice_43 says:

    It is unique for everyone so you need to have gotten the email by being on the mailing list

  3. sidrah says:

    i am wondering if anyone could find the coupon barcode for $100 off and the person who receives it can ffd to other people cuz it would not be one time use only.

  4. sidrah says:

    whats the minimum purchase required?

  5. Tiffany says:

    the $100 won’t be good for more than one purchase. And I am sorry, but that doesn’t seem right to me to do something like that?

  6. Tara says:

    Any minimum purchase??

  7. Tamara says:

    Is the coupon good for online shopping?


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