Oct 8-12 only, celebrate Banana Republic’s anniversary by saving $15, $25, $100 or $500 off your purchase. To find out your savings in store, you will need to bring in the email for this deal to checkout. The email has a code unique to everyone and that will determine what savings you get. So if you are subscribed to their mailing list, you should of got one!
Where’s the barcode?
It is unique for everyone so you need to have gotten the email by being on the mailing list
i am wondering if anyone could find the coupon barcode for $100 off and the person who receives it can ffd to other people cuz it would not be one time use only.
sidrah – why would the $100 off be good for multiple use?
whats the minimum purchase required?
the $100 won’t be good for more than one purchase. And I am sorry, but that doesn’t seem right to me to do something like that?
Any minimum purchase??
tara ~ people are reporting that there is no minimum required.
Is the coupon good for online shopping?