Here is a new printable coupon for a free travel size Signature Collection item with a $10+ purchase. Maximum value of free item is $5.50 and limited to one per customer. This coupon expires on Nov. 25, 2011. My local store still had Fall clearance items for 75% off and I was able to get 7 items for $10 and change plus my free travel size item. To see the specials in Canadian stores, click here.
Click here to print your coupon.
I was just wondering what B&BW coupons were available as I am hoping to pick up a gift there this weekend! I was hoping for a $10 off $30 coupon or a free large sized product with purchase but I’ll take what I can get. Thanks for posting!
Corbinx – When you make any purchase at BBW, they will gift you the Holiday Gift Guide with the following coupons:
Free item of your choice (up to $12.50 value) with $15+ purchase – valid until11/13/11
$10 off $30+ purchase – valid 11/14/11 – 12/11/11
20% off entire purchase – valid 12/12/11 – 12/24/11
If you complete the survey at the bottom of your receipt you get a code for $10 off your next purchase of $30. Then, on the bottom of the bill on the $30 purchase, you get another survey and so on and so on. It says it’s only good for survey a month but that’s not true – – I do them all the time. I think I have about 6 receipts with $10 off next 30 purchase – and they don’t expire.
thank you
@IRefuseToPayFullPrice, I went today and used this coupon but I didn’t get the gift guide that you had mentioned.
hey, so if you spend $10 you geet thee travel size thing? sorry i dont understand this!