Even though it’s Winter, we all still need to drink water. For some reason, however, I tend to drink less of it and more tea/other warm liquids! So hopefully, it balances itself out. 😉
To keep you hydrated, Brita is offering a $2 off printable coupon on their bottles with built-in filters! Click here and have your printer ready.
And if you don’t mind spending $1.05 on postage to the US, try getting this $5 mail-in rebate. I read through the certificate and no where does it mention that rebate is only applicable in the US! Offer does expire March, 31st, 2012 though.
P.S. I’m not sure if I like this provocative advertisement from Brita. The copy on the ad reads, “Last year 16 million gallons of oil were consumed to make plastic water bottles.” So basically, the idea behind it is that along with the water from the disposable bottles, we’re also ingesting some sort of black, chemical sludge. Yummers!
Anyone know what the approx retail price on these bottles is?
The retail is approx. $9.99 @ the Superstore. Although, I think it was on-sale the last I checked! $2 off or something, so it would be sweet to use the coupon + rebate. :)))
” I read through the certificate and no where does it mention that rebate is only applicable in the US!”
Maybe where you have to fill in your State and Zip code will give a clue that it’s US only.
“So basically, the idea behind it is that along with the water from the disposable bottles, we’re also ingesting some sort of black, chemical sludge. Yummers!”
… that’s not what it means. It means that 16 million gallons were used while making the bottles – not that the oil went into the bottles. The ad campaign is implying that the amount of oil used in production is wasteful, and almost as bad as drinking it.
Well, since my well water is not drinkable (even with boiling)–I will stick to bottled water!
i was going to buy the bottle today but couldn’t find it! well thats a good thing now i have the coupon! sweet
That’s a horrible ad…
that pic is disturbing…
I know the dude who’s in it! .. and yes disturbing! .. and my sister swears by this bottle my mom and and I want to get one each
i bought the water bottle buy a company called bobble! i think and its the same idea but fun bright colours ! i went to buy a replacement for my bottle and beside it was the brita one! the replacement fillter was two for 7.99 for the brita or 7.99 for one replacement for the bobble i think i am going to buy a brita one instead!
Anyone knows how long the filters lasts in the Brita bottles?
I just picked up some of the Brita water bottles for my kids and they love them. Much more lightweight than the stainless steel ones.
@lorressa, I got my bottles at Loblaws last week, they were on sale, I think $8.97 plus I used my coupon. I’ve also seen them at Walmart for $9.97. Also picked up a 2 pack of replacement filters at Loblaws for $6.97.
@Queen, Brita says that the filters will last 2 months.
If anyone uses the Brita jugs you can go to their website and sign up for an email reminder to change your filter, plus they will give you a $2.00 off coupon for replacement filters for the jug.
Sorry don’t get the two gross photos of the girl and guy?
Our city just built a 400 million dollar water treatment plant,
I don’t need filters or bottled water.
Disgusting ad.
The ad is disgusting and makes me NOT want brita.
This advertisement is actually quite brilliant if people would just get over their initial immature ‘gross’ reaction!
In this day and age unfortunately shock tactic adverts are required to make people stop and think about major environmental, social and political issues the world faces today. That’s because we live in our idyllic suburbian bubbles where we can ignore these issues. If Brita had just plainly written ’16 million gallons of oil are used to make one year’s worth of plastic water bottles’ most people would not be able to relate, let alone even care.
I noticed of the 7 people who found the ad ‘gross’ or ‘disturbing’, not a single one of them said that they actually thought about the environmental issue behind the advert! You’re an adult! Think like one! ‘Eew, that’s gross/disturbing’ is just childish.
Sorry about the rant, folks…..ignorant comments get me worked up. 🙂
I agree…very provocative ad that definitely warrants attention at a much deeper level (ie; the caption) than the visual! I do my part as much as I can to help the environment, and more people should. I hate using plastic water bottles, so I was pumped when I saw this. I do like my stainless bottle that I fill from our well, plus a Brita in the fridge, but when I am at work and it’s empty, I won’t refil because the water is so bad…now I can.
I signed up for the brita reminder, but I recieved an email from them that the $ off coupons were not avaiable in Canada 🙁 booooo…too bad!!
For you to think it’s ignorance, is ignorant. I am well aware of the repercussions on the environment from the oil that is used in the manufacture of plastic bottles. I am not ignorant. I was stating an opinion. The ad is disturbing. I am conscientious about my usage of water bottles and do not use them on a day to day basis. And when the option not to use them is not available to me, I reuse them. I am doing my part to ensure the waste in the landfills is kept to a minimum, so I will reiterate: I am NOT ignorant as you have so rudely accused me of being. I am a responsible adult doing my part. You ‘rant’ (your words) was childish and preachy.
And has anyone discussed the recycling of the Brita filters? Sure, they have a drop off where you can deposit your used Brita filters, but what if you don’t have one nearby? You can mail them off. Doesn’t this add to the greenhouse gas emissions caused by the mail trucks who have to pick up and deliver these filters? The debate can go on and on about this all.
Point? Just do what you can, and be educated about your choices. Same thing as with any other decisions you make in your life.
Just because I dislike the ad doesn’t make me ignorant. It doesn’t take a genius to understand what the ad is about. Shrug.
Hey all, my bad! To sign up for Brita filter reminders and get Canadian coupons try this link. They also have the $2 coupon for the portable bottles as posted in the article:
Not sure why I put the U.S. one up, apologies (sorry kiki)!
“sean says…
what a disgusting picture, what kind of idiot would re-post that on a website? seriously.”
how rude! get over yourself.
def an eye catching add – and get over the gross part. Don’t like it, get over it, grow up & quit whining about every little thing on this website.
and thanks for the linky @SeriousSally 🙂
To NB,
I think it’s wonderful that you do care about the environment and I’m elated that your response to my comment demonstrates that!
However, I need to make some necessary corrections:
1.) I never once called YOU ignorant. I quite clearly called your COMMENT ignorant. There’s a big difference, so please read carefully before you get worked up into a defensive tizzy.
2.) Your original comment showed no evidence of any cerebral thinking! And after reading several of those, yes a rant was required.
Point? It’s a shame you found my environmental rant “preachy” cuz honey, that’s a church we all need to belong to!!
@serioslysally Thank you for the Canadian Linky 🙂 Worked like a charm!
oops sorry “SeriousSally” not seriously 😛
Dear Mr Cringely,I’ve always wanted to write you an email after watching your interesting and well written documentaries (TotN 1 and 2, still interesting today although many years have passed since their first premiere) to ask why you totally ignored what Commodore did and represented in the computer history. Now I get to know the reasons, and I thank you for that.I really hope you’ll have the chance to make a new documentary in the future covering also this important part of history that should be remembered. Afterall, both Mr Gates and Mr Jobs had to deal with Commodore in many occasions.I know Commodore wasn’t so popular in the US as it was here in Europe, but still there’s a lot to talk about (in positive and sometimes negative way) this great company and the people who worked in it.
I don’t like that picture at all, but it’s useful information any way. Thanks a lot.
Here post is really important and interesting. I love it very much because it has many valuable sides. Thanks you very much for shearing this information
I think it’s wonderful that you do care about the environment and I’m elated that your response to my comment demonstrates that!
For you to think it’s ignorance, is ignorant. I am well aware of the repercussions on the environment from the oil that is used in the manufacture of plastic bottles. I am not ignorant. I was stating an opinion. The ad is disturbing. I am conscientious about my usage of water bottles and do not use them on a day to day basis. And when the option not to use them is not available to me, I reuse them. I am doing my part to ensure the waste in the landfills is kept to a minimum, so I will reiterate: I am NOT ignorant as you have so rudely accused me of being. I am a responsible adult doing my part. You ‘rant’ (your words) was childish and preachy.