Cake Beauty Canada: Free Shipping Until Oct. 29, 2010


Free shipping on all orders automatically applied at checkout until Oct. 29, 2010. Don’t forget to enter coupon code sweetspot for $10 off your order.

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EDIT:  I called their customer service, and it’s one or the other. So either free shipping ($6.99) or sweetspot ($10 off). Sorry for any confusion! I was so excited for free shipping and a discount code too!

17 responses to “Cake Beauty Canada: Free Shipping Until Oct. 29, 2010”

  1. jaqkev says:

    I just tried to create an order and it’s wanting $6.99 for shipping…hmmm..

  2. Bonnie says:

    same here

  3. thaichips says:

    how do you get the rebate?
    i entered the code but it did not work…

  4. livi says:

    works for me but does anybody know the details of it? cause I only want the lipbalm and its 10$ but it wont let me use the discount code =_=

  5. IRefuseToPayFullPrice says:

    livi – I tried the lip balm too, didn’t work. I think it has to be at least $10 US in order for it to work. The lip balm is only $9 US.

  6. IRefuseToPayFullPrice says:

    Ugh! When the order actually goes through, it takes off the $10 discount. I called CS to cancel my order.

  7. leslie738 says:

    Got the $10 off of a $20 order but it added 6.99 for shipping. I often have problems with the discounts from Cake Beauty. Should I wait and try again.

  8. leslie738 says:

    The small print says Cannot be combined with any other promotions. Maybe it is one or the other.

  9. Eva-M says:

    I tried adding another product; and it did take off when the order was over $50

  10. leslie738 says:

    It must be one or the other. When I tried to place an order without using the $10 discount I was then given free shipping.

  11. IRefuseToPayFullPrice says:

    @Eva-M: You got free shipping AND $10 off with a $50 total?

  12. NT says:

    Didn’t work for me either (getting 10 off and free ship). Too bad.

  13. Eva-M says:

    IRefuseToPayFullPrice – Yes.

  14. leslie738 says:

    I also got the screen shown above, however, once I put in my address it added the shipping.

  15. twinmommy says:

    I got both too until I told them I lived in Ontario and they charged me $6.99 shipping. Life rule no. 257 don’t pay more in shipping than your items are worth.

  16. IRefuseToPayFullPrice says:

    @leslie738 and twinmommy: Yeah I just tried that too and it doesn’t show the shipping charge until you actually enter your Province. I even tried an order worth $57 after discount and it still charged shipping. I give up!!!

  17. Woop says:

    I ordered the lip balm trio and got free shipping along w/ the $10 off promo, based on the email confirmation of my order. Perhaps they’ve changed this now? My order is going to BC.


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