New Kraft Coupons on Facebook/

Canadian Deals & Coupons

Click here to go to Facebook and like Kraft Foods What’s Cooking. You will be directed to where you will find the following coupons:

1.00 Kraft Amooza Snacks
1.00 Kraft Dinner Smart
1.00 Kraft Cheez Whiz
1.00 Cool Whip
1.00 Mousse Jello
1.00 Kraft Philadelphia Dip

There are also coupons for Sizzling Salads, Refrigerated Dressing, Mr. Christie Snak Paks, Thinsations, and 1$ off any Triscuit Cracker.Very excited about this one!

SOOOOO happy about the Philly Dips coupon making it’s return as I cannot get enough of that Dill Pickle dip!

12 responses to “New Kraft Coupons on Facebook/”

  1. CarlyinCanada says:

    Awesome coupons! 🙂

    But when I try to order I get this!!!!!! (I did LIKE the FB page)

    We’re sorry, but access to this site is restricted. You may have already requested your coupon or you may be using an invalid link.

    If you believe you are receiving this message in error please email [email protected] and we will gladly assist you.

    Had the same thing happen with the bogo J&J baby coupon!!! Help!!!

  2. CarlyinCanada says:

    Oh, & I didn’t order them before either!

  3. Scarecrow says:

    I ordered mine no problems. Thanks, good coupons

  4. annedougherty says:

    Carly, try emailing They are usually pretty helpful.

    Also try opening another page, go to and log in. Then go to Facebook and click “like.” When it directs you to you may be logged in and ready to go.

  5. maddie2008 says:

    Worked for me. Thanks

  6. Jessica says:

    Does anyone have the link to the page?

  7. jekky says:

    “We’re sorry, but access to this site is restricted. You may have already requested your coupon or you may be using an invalid link.”

    I don’t know what went wrong…anyways…I can get cookies and stuff cheap because the kraft canada facility is closed by…just looking to get dip, jello and chees product coupons..

    Let me know if anyone get reply from support from

  8. Corbinx says:

    Thank you, worked great!

  9. Penny says:

    I refuse to use facebook, if anyone has a link that works outside of ‘liking’ the ad it would be greatly appreciated. I hate when companies do this, there are a select few of us out there who think all of this so-called online ‘socializing’ is making most everyone self-centered and addicted to their electronics. Especially the kids coming up in the last 5 years or so. And no I’m not some loony toon, I have a neice who keeps her phone in her bra and will literally get out of the shower or bed if someone texts her. I have met examples of what I’m talking about daily. Anyway, really just hoping there’s a link out there.

  10. iwantkraftcoupons says:

    I am a little pissed too. I myself does not have facebook either. I can’t stand it. So many great coupons are going through facebook. WTH. I want them.

  11. lkqinfo says:

    see if this link works for you withouth having to go thru facebook

  12. Norma says:

    Thank you Penny for your comments re Facebook. I couldn’t agree more and it irks me to no end! I even wrote to a company saying: not everyone wants to be on Facebook and how unfair it is to the ‘other’ consumers that we can’t access our coupons from their on-line site. They haven’t answered. Did Ikqinfo’s link work? Please pass it on if it did? Thks.


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