Canada’s Wonderland opens up May 8th! Every year our awesome forum memer C_Mcarthur compiles a list of corporate discounts to ease the cost.
What are Corporate codes?
Corporate codes are codes you can use to purchase discounted tickets online at the wonderland website.
The codes are for the workers, friends and family of the said company/corporation/school/etc.
That being said, ANYONE can use these codes, no identification is required for entry. (previous visits prove this to be correct)
Tickets must be purchased online to receive the discount.
You can print in either colour or black and white
To puchase tickets via the corporate codes click here and enter the codes in the designated box.Starlight / WindSeeker Promo – Operating days May 8 – Oct 31, 2011
Regular 3-Day Advance E-Ticket (age 3-59, over 48″ tall): $33.99
Pay Once Visit Twice E-Ticket (age 3+, over 48″ tall): $46.02
Jr/Sr E-Ticket (age 3+, under 48″ tall, 60+): 28.32Code: STARLIGHT or WINDSEEKER
Research In Motion Discount – Operating days May 8 – Oct 31, 2011
Regular 3-Day Advance E-Ticket (age 3-59, over 48″ tall): $33.99
Pay Once Visit Twice E-Ticket (age 3+, over 48″ tall): $46.02
Jr/Sr E-Ticket (age 3+, under 48″ tall, 60+): 28.32Code: RIM2011
CHRYSLER Discount – Operating days May 8 – Oct 31, 2011
Regular 3-Day Advance E-Ticket (age 3-59, over 48″ tall): $33.99
Pay Once Visit Twice E-Ticket (age 3+, over 48″ tall): $46.02
Jr/Sr E-Ticket (age 3+, under 48″ tall, 60+): 28.32Code: CHRYSLER
GM CANADA Discount- Operating days May 8- Oct 31, 2011
Regular 3-Day Advance E-Ticket (age 3-59, over 48″ tall): $33.99
Pay Once Visit Twice E-Ticket (age 3+, over 48″ tall): $46.02
Jr/Sr E-Ticket (age 3+, under 48″ tall, 60+): 28.32Code: GMCANADA11
I can see how this would benefit people but I think it’s also unfortunate for the people who actually work for these companies. My husband, daughter and I are going to one of these days with a code given to employees. It’s supposed to benefit the employees and their family/friends by offering a less busy day before it’s open to the general public. It annoys me that people share the codes and I think they should ask for i.d.
Oh please like a few hundred extra people will completely ruin your day. You’re an employee not royalty.
They wouldnt be publicly posted if it was a big “SECRET”
We share deals here.
Besides, the codes given are good for the entire operating season, not for specific corporate days. There is no harm in sharing the codes.
unfortunate could also be a parent who is struggling to make ends meet but has children who beg endlessly to go to wonderland with their friends. i don’t see the harm in more people getting a discount, it’s not like Wonderland is losing any money.
@Galsavings relax It’s not for one of the corporate days. Even so I have been to one of these days and the amount of people is very light inclusive of non employees. Live and let live…
I phoned my cell phone company to cancel once because I found out that my work offered a corporate discount with another company. When I called – they offered to give me their corporate discount.
People want to sell their product/service – they will offer the discount to anyone who asks anyway – corporate or not – to make more money.
Thx for posting this on the blog!! Its alot of work searching for these codes so it feels great to be acknowledged!! 🙂
thats great! thanks very much
was waiting for these…thanks!!
My dad actually has to pay for these benefits, since he’s required to be a member of this engineering society, which gives out these wonderland and other discounts. So I do agree with Galsavings that it is unfortunate that some people actually work for these benefits. You wouldn’t share your health or dental benefits from your work right?
That being said, there’s no harm in sharing the fun as long as these companies don’t find out and decide to revoke the discounts.
Aviva works too
Nothing wrong with sharing the discount code, I think… We are all looking for deals here anyway. Thanks!
LOL Tina…that a girl!!! I so agree=] Oh and btw we go on those special days tooo…Fun Fun Fun
It can be used at many different days… its not limited to one day nothing wrong with sharing the code
I think its sad that people basically have to rip off company benefits in order to score a good deal.
Is it as if you cannot find these deals elsewhere throughout the year? I know there are many deals out there for Canadas Wonderland, and I think it really is meant for the employees. Not the public.
Also…to me posting these is pretty silly. Dont you think Canadas Wonderland will catch on, and remove the deal all together??? Then everyone, including the employees who have earned this deal, will not save the money. SMRT.
canada’s wonderland obviously doesn’t care that we use these codes because ive never had any problems using them for the past 5 years.
oh and fyi, the codes are for workers, family, and FRIENDS.
so ur telling me if your friend who works for one of these companies asked if u wanted their discount code youd say no?
Didnt think so =P
If you dont want to save money, suit yourself =)
How exactly does your dad have to “pay” for these benefits Kelly? This is not a corporate day pass, these are well known and shared every year. They are not secret society codes. Posting these isnt silly at all!
@KELLY: Even though I have no intentions to go to Wonderland, I have to say that’s not what he’s paying for! He’s paying for the accreditation that gets him a better job. Why would he be paying for discount codes? It’s an “engineering society” not a “penny-pinching” one, right? This is ludicrous!!