Maple Leash Canada Exclusive Discount Coupon Code Save 20% For The Month Of May

maple_leash is a new Canadian family owned and operated company offering really cute doggy couture.  There is litterally something for every posh pooch.  I really like the layout of the site, its very edgy. For the month of May save yourself 20% extra using the code “SMARTCANUCKS” at checkout.  Shipping is free on orders over $99 otherwise shipping is as follows: Flat rate fee of $9.99 for all of Canada.  Edmonton (local city) $6.99.  To the USA flat rate of $19.99

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4 responses to “Maple Leash Canada Exclusive Discount Coupon Code Save 20% For The Month Of May”

  1. Ava says:

    As someone wo is very familiar with purchasing dog clothes, I was initially quite excited to find out a new Canadian dog clothing store. I was, however, quickly disappointed when I visited their site and saw the prices and sparse product selection. There are stores in the U.S. such as Poochi & Toutou that offer much better selection of product with better prices and free or cheap shipping to Canada. I actually saw the same bunny outfit on their site priced at $54.99 that I bought for less than half the price at another store. In my opinion, dog clothes in Canada are way over priced!

  2. Hello Ava,
    Thank you for your reply, we are always looking for opinions to improve our store. Please understand that this is our first week of opening, so our selection will be sparse until we better understand what are customers are looking for. As for pricing, we set the pricing as to what the Canadian distributor recommended, which of course is higher since our distributors here already marked up the price before selling to us. We are working to find products from around the world at better prices, and we are always willing to try our best to price match when possible 🙂

  3. Just wanted to also mention (as my reply above may have been unclear) lots of our products are direct from the manufacturer and not all from Canadian distributors. We try and price competitively, some cases lower than US pricing as our strong dollar lets us do so. Sometimes we get dinged with high border fees unfortunately that effect our pricing.

    I did take your reply very seriously and did scour the internet for the same product. I found our pricing was either lower or within a few dollars from all the large name boutiques online (US stores). Perhaps the one you saw was a different brand?
    This particular one is the “Monkey Daze bunny jumper”, and like I mentioned, the pricing is suggested for boutiques to keep pricing overall fair from store to store so we don’t have a lot of choice. The only exceptions are when stores have sales, similar to our discount above 😉

    Again, I am sorry for our limited selection but we will definitely be increasing the volume of products as we go along. We appreciate any requests for products if anyone has any?

    If ever you do see a better price online please send us an email and we will most definitely do whatever we can to match or beat the price. We will continue to evaluate our pricing and make any necessary changes to satisfy our customers, that is the beauty of being a small business as we can give our customers the dedicated time they each deserve.

    Thank you again for your review, and thank you for visiting Maple Leash 🙂

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