Canadian Baby Deals for the Week of July 16 to 23


Thanks, as always, to couponlady for all her hard work in compiling this great list for us each week!


Huggies mega diapers,Pull ups or 8x boxed wipes $13.77(sat & sun) – rest of the week $15.77
Arm & hammer diaper pail $39.97
Arm & Hammer diapers pail refill $6.97
Pampers Easy ups $15.97
Enfamil A+ powder 730g with bonus 2 Enfail A+ ready to feed cans $28.97
Nestle Good start with omega 730g or Natural cultures 640g $26.99
Similac powder 900g $19.99
Johnson’s baby needs $3.49
Heinz baby food 10 for $7
Gerber graduates 2 for $5
Baby Mum Mum 2 for $5
Heinz or Nestle baby cereals 2 for $7
Dove baby soap $1.49
Kandoo toiletries $1 off
Zeddy club pack diapers $19.99
All feeding and nursing accessories 25% off

Real Canadian Superstore

Huggies club pack diapers size 3-6(88-168s) $29.99 + Get Free Huggies mega wipes(coupon in flyer)
Pampers club size diapers size 3-6(92-174s) $29.99 + Get Free Pampers mega wipes(coupon in flyer)
Pampers mega wipes $7.99
Buy 2 Enfamil A+ infant products 680-730g and save $5 on grocery(coupon in flyer)
Pull Ups $26.99
Teddy’s Choice training pants 2 for $26
President’s choice formula powder $14
PC Organics baby cereal 2 for $7
Heinz junior or toddler food 5 for $4
Teddy’s choice club pack wipes $11
Kandoo baby beeds $3
Johnson’s baby needs $4
PC organics mini cereal bars or apple blends or puffs 2 for $4
Gerber graduates 2 for $5


Huggies club pack diapers size 3-6(88-168s) $29.99 + Get Free Huggies mega wipes(coupon in flyer)
Pampers club size diapers size 3-6(92-174s) $29.99 + Get Free Pampers mega wipes(coupon in flyer)
Pampers mega wipes $7.99
Pull Ups $14.99
Nestle Alsoy omega powder 730g $26.99
PC concentrate with omega 12X385ml $27.99
Playtex 10oz drop-ins bottle liners $8.99
Beechnut junior food 213ml 5 for $4
Aveeno baby needs $5.99
Penaten cream $8.99
Teddy’s choice feeding accessories $4.99
Heinz baby cereal 2 for $6
Heinz mini cereal bars or Farley biscuits 2 for $6

Rexall Pharmaplus

Rexall brand wipes tub $2.99
Rexall brand diapers or pants $7.99
Huggies pure & natural,Goodnites,Little movers or Jeans jumbo diapers $11.99
Johnson’s baby needs $3.99

Shoppers Drug Mart

Pampers mega diapers or pants $13.99(sun & mon) – rest of the week $15.99

Price Chopper

Huggies mega diapers, Pull ups or Goodnites $16.99
Huggies mega wipes 184-216s $5.99
Gerber graduates $1.99
Nestle baby cereal $2.99


Heinz or Nestle baby cereal 2 for $5
Parent’s Choice baby food 10 for $4
Pampers cruisers size 3-6(92-140s) or Huggies little movers size 3-6(80-124s) $23.77
Enfamil A+ with omega 730g $22.47
Parent’s choice toddler supplement 850g $9.87
Pampers 10pk wipes refills $18
Pampers swaddlers $11
Evenflo 3pk glass bottles 4oz or 8oz $9.97
Pampers Easy Ups or Underjams $19.97
Pampers splashers $10
Penaten cream 2 for $14
Aveeno baby needs $5.97
Playtex diaper Genie 11 elite $40
Huggies snug & dry diapers size 3-6(100-156s) or Pampers baby dry size 3-6(112-174s) $23.77
Enfamil A+ ready to feed formula 4X4pks 235ml each $38.47
Johnson’s baby needs $5.96

2 responses to “Canadian Baby Deals for the Week of July 16 to 23”

  1. Romana:) says:

    thanks 🙂

  2. jojoe says:

    Thank you .. I can tell how much work you’ve done..


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