Canadian Coupons $2.00 DanActive Back on!

Canadian Deals & Coupons


I know there are a bunch of people that love this coupon (due to their DanActive addictions) so I thought I should post that it’s back on on the english coupons website.  I think it had become $1.50 coupon.   The $2.00 coupon makes the Danactive free or close to free most of the time.  Get yours before they’re gone again.

Click here to get your $2.00 DanActive coupon.

Thanks to jandbby for this heads up.

13 responses to “Canadian Coupons $2.00 DanActive Back on!”

  1. Chantal says:

    Thanks! I love the stuff, and it comes in handy for lunches.

  2. Archana says:

    how much do these cost? before coupons n after taxes?

  3. Corbinx says:

    These are great, but I wouldn’t buy them without a coupon! You can usually get them at Wal-Mart for about $2 a pack…and with the $2 off they are free!

  4. maybe says:

    Like Corbinx says, you can usually pick them up for around $2 so with the coupon they are either free or close to free.

  5. Chantal says:

    The 4-pack is now on sale for 2.00 at Sobey’s. I went in this afternoon with a 1.50 coupon and a 2.00 coupon. Got 8 for .50. Usually they sell for about 7.99 for the 8-pack.

  6. Ann says:

    Won’t let me order one as it’s says selected. Darn!

  7. Ann says:

    Hey, I tried again and it worked! Yeah!

  8. Justine says:

    the link for the $2 never went “away”.

  9. cashmoneychick416 says:

    They are on sale for $1 at Walmart this week.

  10. stan says:

    Sorry for the late post… Costco has them on sale, today’s (Sun) the last day. $3.99 ($2 off coupon in Costco) for a box of *16* bottles! Didn’t believe it myself until going.

  11. thecountess says:

    Thanks maybe 🙂

  12. polacco65 says:

    new coupons at
    i.e. while supplies last.

  13. chuck says:

    Hello Stan, you mentioned you used the $2 off coupon in Costco? I didn’t think Costco accepts coupons. Normally costco does not take coupons other than their own. Please advise. Thanks!


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