Shoppers Drugmart Canada 2500 Bonus Optimum points with Smashbox Mascara

From now until September 30th visit Shoppers Drugmart and purchase the Smashbox Lash DNA macara with this coupon and receive 2500 Bonus Optimum Points!


Thanks once again to Melody113 posting this in the Canadian Coupons Section

3 responses to “Shoppers Drugmart Canada 2500 Bonus Optimum points with Smashbox Mascara”

  1. oops! says:

    Sent this link to shopper ask if this site is offically authorized to host their coupon!

  2. itsjustmebub says:

    It does say PRINT this coupon, doesn’t say anything about barcode only working once or anything like that

  3. hya_been says:

    The coupon is hosted at Smartcanucks never hosted it.


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