Canadian Coupons & Contests: $1.00 Off Activia Desserts When You Vote For The Next Flavour


Danone is running an offer where they’d like to you to help chose the new flavour for their Activia Desserts Yogurt line and in turn you get a coupon for $1.00 off through You can choose from Carmelized Pear, Angel Cake, and Caramel Apple Pie. They all sound super yummy.

After you vote and get your coupon you also have the option to enter a contest to be featured on a billboard in Montreal, Toronto or Vancouver (or all three) or their web banners online. All you have to do is upload a picture of yourself along with your name, province/territory and favourite new flavour.

I’ve tried the strawberry dessert flavour  they already have out, with the last $1.00 any Activia and it is really tasty.

Vote Here for your Coupon


2 responses to “Canadian Coupons & Contests: $1.00 Off Activia Desserts When You Vote For The Next Flavour”

  1. mia says:

    Thanks never taste it but sound good:)

  2. SUSAN says:



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