Canadian Coupons: FREE Dr. Oetker Mousse from


Click here to LIKE Dr. Oeter on Facebook and link through to your FREE 50 calorie mousse coupon on the left hand side.

Thanks over4omommy for posting this in our coupons

21 responses to “Canadian Coupons: FREE Dr. Oetker Mousse from”

  1. Natalka says:

    Thanks so much!

  2. FatB says:

    Sounds yummy. Thanks!

  3. meghan says:

    thanks!! got one

  4. Gazpache says:

    I’ve “liked” the page, clicked the link, got taken to the site but the coupon isn’t showing up? It’s not on any of the pages? Is this happening to anybody else? I’ve tried it in IE and Firefox?

  5. Mariecelle says:

    Hi Gazpache – I can’t see the coupon either in after I “liked” the page.

  6. cheapcheap says:

    can’t see it either 🙁

  7. Gazpache says:

    judging from the recent comments on their page we’re not alone. Maybe they’re all gone and we missed it?

  8. danip467 says:

    tried with a couple of different browsers and nothing…

  9. thisisgreat says:

    sounds like the offer’s over, folks

  10. Shirley says:

    guess they are all out as I can’t get it to work either

  11. Chantel says:

    If you missed it, don’t be sad. If this is for the same mousse they had last year, it tasted like garbage.

  12. acl says:

    ur right chantel.. i didnt like it either.. gross

  13. Allii says:

    haha ya maybe we missed it. but thanks! I guess I didn’t really miss out then eh? haha!

  14. wendymac says:

    acl is right. I threw the last batch out because it tasted so “gross.” No offense intended to anyone who ‘loves’ it. Just more for you, that’s all. LOL

  15. CJWORLD says:

    Couldn’t get the link to work either. But mark me down as a “Liker” of this dessert so not to scare everyone off. I whip it for the full 5 minutes at least which I think helps. (Directions say 3 – 5 minutes)

  16. supermandy says:

    Let’s face it – no decent tasting mousse can be only 50 calories… and if it does, then is is just full of chemical crap anyway.

  17. benji says:

    Tried it before and it wasn’t that good. 🙁

  18. Lauren says:

    Its a bogo offer anyway.. not just a freebie.

  19. joline says:

    We tried this last time they had a freebie and it was nasty. We ended up throwing it out.

  20. Gazpache says:

    It was a freebie then they “ran out” of freebie coupons and have put a bogo up now. Not quite the great deal it was before, but I’m still excited to get it! I love mousse!

  21. trombonebabe says:

    I just tried to access the coupon and it worked for me. I used my regular login, however. I love this mousse, so it’s a great deal for me!


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