Canadian Coupons: Free Vileda Gloves With Coupon At Walmart(QC) June 23-29

Canadian Deals & Coupons


I am like most people and hate to see a good coupon go to waste while waiting for that perfect sale. So when I saw the Walmart flyer for this coming week I was super happy. They have Vileda sensitive gloves on sale 2 for $2. So I now have the perfect sale to use up my last $1 off Vileda gloves coupon and get them for free. This coupon came in the February 13th issue of the Smart Source newspaper coupon insert and expires at the end of June. So you better cash them in before they end up in the recycling bin. The flyer runs from June 23rd to the 29th.

Click here to view the flyer.

Thanks to couponlady for posting the flyer.

6 responses to “Canadian Coupons: Free Vileda Gloves With Coupon At Walmart(QC) June 23-29”

  1. kris says:

    thought it was for scrunges

  2. ccmp1974 says:

    The glass scrunges are on for $5 in the flyer and above them is the gloves 2 for $2. If you check the coupon insert archive it shows the glove coupon was in the 02/13/10 issue.:)

  3. Tara says:

    As well AS the scrunges (but NOT the $5 ceramic glass as shown below the gloves/scrunges in the flyer). The x1 package. The $1 coupon for that is right beside the coupon for the Vileda gloves… “Save $1 on any Scrunge product.” 🙂 Also expires June 30th!

  4. ccmp1974 says:

    Thanks Tara!! I missed that one:)

  5. kris10 says:

    so the scrunges are on for a dollar as well? Just not the glass scrunges,correct?

    I could never seem to find the gloves coupon just the coupon for the scrunges whenever it was posted that they’d be free 🙁

  6. ccmp1974 says:

    Yes kris10 both are on for a $1 and there are $1 coupons for both the gloves and the scrunges.:)


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