A new printable coupon is now available through our very own SmartCanucks SmartSource printable coupon portal. Save $1.50 on the purchase of any Clover Leaf Toppers product 150g with this coupon. This is a SmartSource coupon so the limit of two prints per computer will apply. To locate this coupon, click through the link below then select “Clover Leaf Seafoods” in the “Brand” drop down menu. Click “Go” and you will then see the coupon on the main page where you can then select and print your coupon.
The Clover Leaf Toppers have gone on sale for $2 more than once in the last while, so this is certainly a high value coupon. If you purchase tuna you may want to print this coupon in case it doesn’t last long!
Click here to print your coupon for $1.50 off the purchase of Clover Leaf Toppers.