A new coupon has been added to our SmartCanucks SmartSource printable coupon portal today. Save $2 on the purchase of one Clover Leaf Tonno Preferito tri-pack 3×80 Yellowfin Tuna in Olive Oil with this new coupon. To find the coupon, please choose Clover Leaf Seafoods from the list of brands, as you will likely not …Read More
A new hidden printable coupon for Clover Leaf products is available, and thank you to forum member rocko for posting about for us. This new SmartSource coupon is for $2 off the purchase of three select Clover Leaf tuna products. The coupon is valid on any three of Clover Leaf’s “Power Packed Tuna Snacks” which …Read More
A new printable coupon is now available through our very own SmartCanucks SmartSource printable coupon portal. Save $1.50 on the purchase of any Clover Leaf Toppers product 150g with this coupon. This is a SmartSource coupon so the limit of two prints per computer will apply. To locate this coupon, click through the link below …Read More
Clover Leaf Canada has a great new printable coupon available right now! Head online to Clover Leaf’s site, enter your email and you can receive a coupon for $2 off Clover Leaf Tuna Toppers! Clover Leaf Toppers are a great way to add flavours to salad, rice, or pasta dishes. Simply heat up your toppers, …Read More
Clover Leaf Canada has a new printable coupon available right now! Simply head online and share your email and you can receive a coupon for $2 off Clover Leaf Tuna Toppers! This new product is a great way to mix up your boring salad, rice, or pasta dishes. Simply heat it up, or pour it …Read More
Clover Leaf Canada has a brand new product called Toppers, and they would like you to try this product by offering a $2 printable coupon that you can use towards its purchase. Toppers are a fully cooked tuna product that you can eat hot or cold, over salad, or over rice, or however you prefer. …Read More
SmartSource.ca has a new hidden printable coupon available, but to receive this coupon you must first ensure that you have the most recent and up to date version of Adobe Acrobat Reader – as the portal requires this technology in order for your coupon to be printed off. The coupon that you will receive is …Read More
Our very own SmartCanucks SmartSource printable coupon portal has a brand new coupon for you to print this afternoon. This latest coupon is for 75 cents off the purchase of any 85g tin of Clover Leaf Flavoured Light Tuna. These are the smaller tins that you often see on sale for 99 cents. A great …Read More
I just took a quick look at the new Freshco Ontario flyer for the week beginning October the 16th, and thought wow, what a great flyer, with tons of great deals with coupons! So…I have compiled some early coupon matchups to give you plenty of time to dig through your coupon stash, or trade, or …Read More
Complete a quick survey and Clover Leaf will thank you by sending you a coupon for a Free Clover Leaf Product. You must register and create an account before you can complete the suvey. Click here to create your account, fill out your survey and get your coupon for a Free Clover Leaf Product. **thank …Read More