Freshco Ontario: TONS of Deals For $1 After Coupons Beginning October 16th


I just took a quick look at the new Freshco Ontario flyer for the week beginning October the 16th, and thought wow, what a great flyer, with tons of great deals with coupons! So…I have compiled some early coupon matchups to give you plenty of time to dig through your coupon stash, or trade, or beg for some of the coupons you can use with this sale. At a quick glance, here are some of the deals in the flyer:

Iogo Tubs $2 – various coupons
Smart Ones Entrees $2 – $3 WUB 5 (printable) = $1.40
Oasis Refrigerated $2 – $1 ( or Allen’s Apple Juice) = $1
Cheemo Perogies $2 – $1 (tear pad) = $1
Coffemate $2 – $1 (tear pad) = $1
Nordica Cottage Cheese $2 – $1 (tear pad) = $1
Chapman’s Sundae or Collection $2 – $4 (mail out) = 2 FREE
Dawn Dish Soap $2 – various coupons
Sunlight Dish Soap $2 – $1 WUB 2 (insert coupon) = $1.50
Cheerios $2 – $1 (Multigrain, = $1
VH Sauces $2 – B1G1 FREE (printable) = $1
Dempster’s Tortillas $2 – .75 (tear pad) = $1.25
Lunchmate Stackers $2 – $1 ( = $1
SmartFood $2 – $2 WUB 2 (peelie) = $1
Clover Leaf Flavoured White Tuna $2 – $1 (tear pad) = $1

If you spot any more deals be sure to let me know!

Click here to view the Freshco Ontario flyer beginning October the 16th.

4 responses to “Freshco Ontario: TONS of Deals For $1 After Coupons Beginning October 16th”

  1. torontogal12 says:

    Anne, it looks like the tuna will also be listed on Checkout 51 for an extra $1 off

  2. Natalka says:

    Wow, sure wish we had prices like this in SK! You luckies!

  3. Heather says:

    What can I fine a tear off pad coupon??

    • FallenPixels says:

      Heather, they are the ones found in-stores, usually by the product advertised
      Many of them may be coupons from previous months, you can check our trading forums if you can’t find them in stores


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