Here is another SmartSource printable coupon that has recently become available. This time it is a hidden coupon, for $1 off the purchase of new Liberte Extra Creamy Greek Yogurt. Like other SmartSource printables, the coupon will likely expire about one month after the time of printing, and you are limited to two prints of the coupon per computer.
I still haven’t jumped on the bandwagon with this Greek yogurt trend as I prefer the regular yogurt varieties. However, I see that this Liberte Extra Creamy Greek Yogurt does in fact come in a Banana Caramel flavour, and I am currently reaching to turn my printer on to print the coupon! How can that NOT be good?
Click here to print the coupon for Liberte Extra Creamy Greek Yogurt.
You may like this version of “Greek” yoghurt. I’m a Greek yoghurt fan for years back but find most manufacturers have corrupted it by making the usual creamy style a bit thicker. Even Liberte, who used to make a gorgeous Greek yoghurt, has thinned it down to mimic the creamy/runny style preferred by most people.