Here is another SmartSource printable coupon that has recently become available. This time it is a hidden coupon, for $1 off the purchase of new Liberte Extra Creamy Greek Yogurt. Like other SmartSource printables, the coupon will likely expire about one month after the time of printing, and you are limited to two prints of …Read More
WebSaver Canada has two new breakfast coupons on a hidden portal to order. Save $1.50 on the purchase of Silhouette Greek 0%M.F yogurt 500g or 4x100g Save $1.50 on a 400g box of Special K protein cereal These for Silhouette Greek yogurt and Special K cereal are mail to home coupons only and you must …Read More
“Like” Liberte Canada on Facebook to receive a free 500g Greek yogurt. Hurry! Click here to go to Liberte’s Facebook page.
Over the past few years Greek yogurt has become very popular in Canada. But how does it differ from regular run of the mill yogurt? Greek yogurt is creamier and thicker, due to a straining process seperating all the whey from the milk. Because of this process Greek doesn’t seperate, such as some cheaper regular …Read More