Right now at Save.ca, you can get a great coupon from Procter & Gamble.
When you buy a Pampers Club Sized diapers and Pampers Club Sized wipes at participating locations, you will get $10 off your grocery bill!
Participating locations are:
- Loblaws
- Fortinos
- Dominion
- Atlantic Superstore
- Independent
- Extra Foods
- Superstore
- Loblaw
- Real Canadian Superstore
- Maxi
- No Frills
- Provigo
- Save Easy
- Valu-mart
- Zehrs
The coupon will be available on Save.ca until September 20, 2009, and the coupon itself is valid from August 19 to October 20, 2009.
Click here to order your coupon.
Thank you EuropeanPenguin for the information.
Apparently you can’t get this if you live in Alberta
You can get it in Alberta, you just have to click on “Get Coupons” a second time after it tells you that it isn’t available in your province. It worked for me with this coupons and with some others in the past.
I had to click twice to get it to work too! Great coupon! I dont need diapers but if anyone wants to trade for it…Let me know (CarlyinCanada on SC)
I had to click twice as well, and I’m in Ontario.
Thank you – this is a great coupon for me! (i also had to click twice…)