Canadian Coupons: Save $2 On The Purchase of Schmidt’s Natural Dedorant Spray

Here is another new printable coupon that has recently become available! Save $2 on the purchase of Schmidt’s Natural Deodorant Spray with this printable coupon available through the link below.

This coupon does not have a very long expiry, but you do have until the end of September to use it. It expires on September the 30th. If you are interested in printing multiples of this coupon, you are able to get two prints per browser.

I don’t see the natural spray on the Walmart Canada website, but on the PC Express app it is $15.98 at Real Canadian Superstore Ontario. On the Shoppers Drug Mart app it is $12.49 this week, with an in-store bonus of 500 PC Optimum Points.

Click here to get your coupon for $2 off the purchase of any Schmidt’s Natural Deodorant Spray. 

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