Canadian Coupons: Save $3 On Royale Tiger Towels *Printable Coupon*


Here is a fantastic hidden printable coupon that you will definitely want to print, so fire up your printer! Save $3 on the purchase of Royale Tiger Towels with this printable coupon, available through SmartSource.

Being a SmartSource coupon, you will be permitted to print the coupon no more than twice per computer. For extra prints you will have to beg family and friends, visit the library, or perhaps print a couple a work. This coupon is valid until April the 30th, 2015, and this is certainly a high value coupon and definitely worth using the ink to print it. This expiry is fairly long, giving you plenty of time to use it when the Tiger Towels go on sale for $4.99. They have occasionally gone on sale for even less.

Click here to print your coupon for $3 off the purchase of Royale Tiger Towels.


4 responses to “Canadian Coupons: Save $3 On Royale Tiger Towels *Printable Coupon*”

  1. canadian_girl says:

    When I clicked on the SmartSource link to this coupon, I got a message that this offer was no longer available.

  2. Ron Maloney says:

    They used to mail. What have gotten cheap now too. It costs almost as much to print a color coupon as its worth!!

  3. noor says:

    I have only b&w printer and never have problem using print out coupons, they always have a diff. no.

  4. terra says:

    no longer available 🙁


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