Canadian Coupons – Zellers: Save $10 When You Spend $75 (Aug 22 ONLY)

zellers1When you print the attached coupon, you can save $10 when you buy $75 worth of merchandise (before taxes) this Saturday, August 22, 2009 only.

Click here to print your coupon.

Thank you Melody113 for the information.

* Please note:  The coupon is printed from Frugalis, and the original comes from an emailer.  The coupon is the same size in the email as it is in the photo above and in the link to Frugalis.

9 responses to “Canadian Coupons – Zellers: Save $10 When You Spend $75 (Aug 22 ONLY)”

  1. stasymipip says:

    Where is coupon from?

  2. roonie says:

    The coupon is from… the poster should probably give them credit for the coupon.

  3. stasymipip says:

    where they get it from? when you print it looks small and you can’t read fine print. i am wondering if Zellers will take it.

  4. eakims says:

    I got the same coupon by e-mail from Zellers.
    But I am wondering if SPC disount will work together.

  5. stasymipip says:

    can sobebody post the full email?

  6. BAC says:

    This coupon is in todays (Fri Aug 21) Toronto Star.

  7. itsvince says:

    do you have to buy everything in the store?

  8. babygonnermann says:

    no, just $75 worth of merchandise


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