Canadian Deal: $8 Tickets to the Toronto Symphony Orchestra!

Canadian Deals & Coupons


For all you lovers of the Symphony that live in Toronto, this is an amazing deal!  You can get tickets to 3 different events for only $8 each.  The $8 price is for any seat in the house, not just the very back so I would order soon to get the best selection.  The 3 shows are: Azul, La Pasion and La Plus Forte.  Enjoy all!

For Azul click here.

For La Pasion click here.

For La Plus Forte click here.

Thanks to iunno112 for this great find.

11 responses to “Canadian Deal: $8 Tickets to the Toronto Symphony Orchestra!”

  1. nc says:

    got mine – awesome deal!

  2. Laura says:

    Wow! That’s crazy? How did u find this deal?

  3. Andie says:

    Thanks! I just bought tix for the 27th.

  4. SnowWhiteFanatic says:

    Wicked! thanks so much!

  5. Jerry Hung says:

    La Pasion is the only one on the weekend (Feb 27th) and only has Balcony seats left for $8

    Those 3 shows are part of the “New Creations Festival”

  6. sara says:

    Thanks! I haven’t been to the TSO in ages!
    I got 2 tickets for Azul. Main floorm, centre section, towards the back.

  7. Valerie says:

    I got 6 tickets @ $6 for La Pasion ($48). The original prices were between $28 and $87. You do the math…

  8. Valerie says:

    Errrrr 6 X $8. ha! ha! ha!

  9. Sandy says:

    To the lady or gentleman who posted this “deal”, thank you, thank you, thank you. I had not been to the TSO for decades, mostly due to the price and my husband’s inertia, but I purchsed tickets for 2 of the 3 concerts after reading this. We had marvelous seats and a wonderful evening. I am deeply grateful for the time and trouble you took to share this.

  10. Jennay says:

    I’ve gotten tihs deal before! Wonderful its back!


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