For all you lovers of the Symphony that live in Toronto, this is an amazing deal! You can get tickets to 3 different events for only $8 each. The $8 price is for any seat in the house, not just the very back so I would order soon to get the best selection. The 3 shows are: Azul, La Pasion and La Plus Forte. Enjoy all!
Thanks to iunno112 for this great find.
got mine – awesome deal!
Wow! That’s crazy? How did u find this deal?
Actually it was posted in the Deals forum by someone who found it.
Thanks! I just bought tix for the 27th.
Wicked! thanks so much!
La Pasion is the only one on the weekend (Feb 27th) and only has Balcony seats left for $8
Those 3 shows are part of the “New Creations Festival”
Thanks! I haven’t been to the TSO in ages!
I got 2 tickets for Azul. Main floorm, centre section, towards the back.
I got 6 tickets @ $6 for La Pasion ($48). The original prices were between $28 and $87. You do the math…
Errrrr 6 X $8. ha! ha! ha!
To the lady or gentleman who posted this “deal”, thank you, thank you, thank you. I had not been to the TSO for decades, mostly due to the price and my husband’s inertia, but I purchsed tickets for 2 of the 3 concerts after reading this. We had marvelous seats and a wonderful evening. I am deeply grateful for the time and trouble you took to share this.
I’ve gotten tihs deal before! Wonderful its back!