Canadian Deals – Bench & Jean Machine Warehouse Sale (Aug. 27-30, 2009)

jean-machine-warehouseIt’s back to school time once again!!

Jean Machine is hosting a back to school warehouse sale at up to 95% OFF!!

Everything is on sale and everything must go!

Bench 30-70% off
Mavi 40-80% off
Silver 40-80% off
Parasuco 50-90% off
YDE 30-70% off
Guess 30-70% off
Big Seven 3 for $40



Limited quantities of Bench will be released each day at random hours.

Everyday will have hourly specials! New product being released each morning.

Selection will be top notch and the discounts will be even better!!

Thank you Shawnsgal for the information.

9 responses to “Canadian Deals – Bench & Jean Machine Warehouse Sale (Aug. 27-30, 2009)”

  1. Stephany says:

    Bench Warehouse sale???? This is amazing… thanks so much!!

  2. Lily says:

    I’m so jealous. I live too far away for this! 🙁

  3. minimusiclover says:

    i would totally go, but it’s not worth it to drive down to toronto. all of the traffic and all. thanks…really wish i could go 🙁

  4. minimusiclover says:

    whoa…scarborough? for some reason i was thinking it was toronto. hmmm, maybe i can go now 🙂

  5. sm:)e says:

    I just came back from the Jean Machine warehouse sale and it is NOT worth it. The prices for the jeasn were great but all the styles were old and out of date. There was only a limited selection of Bench items and the accessories were very messy and out of date as well. The selection of tops were limitied but the prices were pretty good for the tops ($5-$10).

    The prices for everything:
    – Siver jeans: $15 (old styles) and $30 (newer styles)
    – Mavi: $15 (old styles) and $30 (new styles)
    – Big sevens: $20 each or 3/$40
    – Guess: $40 each or 2/$70
    – Parasco: $25 each or 2/$40
    – Bench: T-shirts $20 and Sweaters $50 each or $80/2


    Fantastic totally worth my Drive 2 hours… The sales above were discounted again Manager Jeans were 10$ buy one get one free.. Shirts and pants a little outdated were 5$ buy one get one free I will be going next year for sure bought my 7 year old 107$ worth of good clothes and the bill total was 1298$…


    I mean I spent 107$ lol

  8. Katherine says:

    I went today too, and didn’t really think anything was all that great. I can find silver jeans for 30$ (or even 20$ for that matter) at winners. The bench stuff was still really expensive for what it is (in my opinion). I guess if you have a hard time fitting in jeans and have specific sizes/styles that are hard to find, it’s worth it, but not for me.
    I left and went to the Dixie outlet mall in stead- did much better! Annnd it’s a lot closer to home!

  9. Brittany says:

    Does anybody know when the next sale is??


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